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Title:  Christian moderation In two books. By Jos: Exon.
Author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.
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the cause of our sorrow be just: not fancied, not insufficient; For vve have knowne some that have brew'd their owne griefe, vvho vvith Simeon Stylites have volunta∣rily chained up themselves in their owne pillar, vvhen they might have enjoyed free scope of com∣fortable liberty. How many me∣lancholique peeces have vvith meere imaginations made their lives miserable, and vvorne out their dayes in the bitternesse of their soule; only out of those conceits vvhich the by-standers have hooted at, as either impossi∣ble, or ridiculous? One thinkes himselfe loathsomly deformed, another disgraced and infamous; a third dying or dead: One thinks himselfe transmuted into some 0