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Title:  A treatise of morall phylosophie contaynyng the sayinges of the wyse. Gathered and Englyshed by Wyl[lia]m Baldwyn.
Author: Baldwin, William, ca. 1518-1563?
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Demetrius being very olde: a man both good and valyant, expert in tydyng and huntyng, and greatly skilled in marciall affayres, as ap∣peareth by his workes. He was also religious, & muche inten∣tyue about sacrifice, & was a folower of Socrates. He wrote .xl. bokes in∣tytled euery one by a sondrye name: & Tucidides workes which by negligence were lost, he brought to light. And was him selfe so pleasaūt in his style, that he was called the muse of Athens. There were more of this name, of whom this is the chiefe, whose good sayinges & pre∣ceptes hereafter shalbe touched. 0