Moses vnuailed: or Those figures which serued vnto the patterne and shaddow of heauenly things, pointing out the Messiah Christ Iesus, briefly explained Wherevnto is added the harmony of all the prophets, breathing with one mouth the mysterie of his comming, and of that redemption which by his death he was to accomplish ... By William Guild, minister of Gods Word at King-Edward in Scotland.
Guild, William, 1586-1657.

51. The free and plentifull offer of grace to both Iew and Gentile.

IN that day there shal be a foun∣taine * opened to the house of Dauid, and to the inhabitants of Ie∣rusalem, for sinne, and for vnclean∣nesse.

Page  53 And in that day, shal there waters * of Life goe out from Ierusalem, halfe of them towards the East Sea, and halfe of them towards the vttermost Sea: and shall bee both in Summer and Winter.

Ho, euery one that thirsteth, * come ye to the waters, and ye that haue no siluer: come, buy & eate, come, I say, buy Wine and Milke without siluer, & without money.

Encline your eares, and come * vnto mee: heare, and your soule shall liue, and I will make an euer∣lasting Couenant with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid.