The historie of Guicciardin conteining the vvarres of Italie and other partes, continued for many yeares vnder sundry kings and princes, together with the variations and accidents of the same, deuided into twenty bookes: and also the argumentes, vvith a table at large expressing the principall matters through the vvhole historie. Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton.
- Title
- The historie of Guicciardin conteining the vvarres of Italie and other partes, continued for many yeares vnder sundry kings and princes, together with the variations and accidents of the same, deuided into twenty bookes: and also the argumentes, vvith a table at large expressing the principall matters through the vvhole historie. Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton.
- Author
- Guicciardini, Francesco, 1483-1540.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: By Thomas Vautroullier dvvelling in the Blackfriers by Ludgate,
- 1579.
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- Subject terms
- Italy -- History -- 1492-1559 -- Early works to 1800.
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"The historie of Guicciardin conteining the vvarres of Italie and other partes, continued for many yeares vnder sundry kings and princes, together with the variations and accidents of the same, deuided into twenty bookes: and also the argumentes, vvith a table at large expressing the principall matters through the vvhole historie. Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 1, 2024.
- title page
TO THE QVEENES MOST EXCEL∣LENT MAIESTIE, OVR MOST REDOVTED, MOST HAPPIE, AND TRVE SOVERAIGNE LADIE ELIZABETH, BY THE grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, principall defender of the faith, and next vnder God, the onely, absolute, and full supreame head ouer all cau∣ses Ecclesiasticall and temporall through her Maiesties dominions:
Geffray Fenton prayeth a perpetuall increasing of the spirite of Gods holy feare, and a continuall going on and confirmation of that godly course vvherein vvith so long peace and happines, her Maiestie hath gouer∣ned the subiects and peoples of her Realmes and seuerall iurisdictions. - THE GENERALL CONTENTES OF euery booke through the whole Historie.
- history
AND GENERALL MATTERS CONTEYNED in the historie, digested according to the order Alphabit.