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Title:  A collection of some modern epistles of Monsieur de Balzac. Carefully translated out of French. Being the fourth and last volume
Author: Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez, seigneur de, 1597-1654.
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made me to refrain from all Feasts and Assemblies, and hindred me frō bringing heavy looks to those pla∣ces which I esteeme sacred, & be∣fore those eyes which I doe re∣vere. So that it is a pure reverence in me, that I abstaine from accep∣table and delightfull conversation, and from the pleasures of those Ca∣binets that appertaine to them only that be happier than I. And I doe choose rather to adore a farre off with awfull regard, than be im∣portunately, and saucily familiar. I leave it to you to excuse and justifie this timorousnesse which proceeds from respect, not from a Stoicall fe∣rocity. And you will doe me a fa∣vour, if that while you represente the best part of your friend, you wil take the paines to excuse the worst. Whereunto, J doe earnestly con∣jure 0