The Royal Exchange Contayning sundry aphorismes of phylosophie, and golden principles of morrall and naturall quadruplicities. Vnder pleasant and effectuall sentences, dyscouering such strange definitions, deuisions, and distinctions of vertue and vice, as may please the grauest cittizens, or youngest courtiers. Fyrst written in Italian, and dedicated to the Signorie of Venice, nowe translated into English, and offered to the cittie of London. Rob. Greene, in Artibus Magister.
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The Royal Exchange Contayning sundry aphorismes of phylosophie, and golden principles of morrall and naturall quadruplicities. Vnder pleasant and effectuall sentences, dyscouering such strange definitions, deuisions, and distinctions of vertue and vice, as may please the grauest cittizens, or youngest courtiers. Fyrst written in Italian, and dedicated to the Signorie of Venice, nowe translated into English, and offered to the cittie of London. Rob. Greene, in Artibus Magister.
Rinaldi, Oraziofin id s105920/upd.
At London :: Printed by I. Charlewood for William VVright,
Anno. Dom. 1590.
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"The Royal Exchange Contayning sundry aphorismes of phylosophie, and golden principles of morrall and naturall quadruplicities. Vnder pleasant and effectuall sentences, dyscouering such strange definitions, deuisions, and distinctions of vertue and vice, as may please the grauest cittizens, or youngest courtiers. Fyrst written in Italian, and dedicated to the Signorie of Venice, nowe translated into English, and offered to the cittie of London. Rob. Greene, in Artibus Magister." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.
Opere. Workes.
Foure kind of works men ought to vse one to another.
1. To be charitable.
2. To be faithfull.
3. To instruct the ignoraunt.
4. And euer to honour old age.
Certaine Lacedaemonian Embassadours being sent to Athens, sitting in a sumptuous place prouided for them in the Theater to sée certaine playes, espying an old man white headed to stand on his feete, one of them rose out of his seate, and placed the aged man in his roome, saying, the Athenians knew how to giue precepts, but not howe to followe them.
Foure works are most prayse wor∣thie.
1. To make peace.
2. To preserue iustice.
3. To helpe the oppressed.
4. And to ayde a poore man in his businesse.
descriptionPage [unnumbered]
In Thebes when any priuate dissention grew betwixt neighbours and fr••en••s, he that could sette them in peace and vnitie, was honoured with a garlande of Oliue, as a recompence of his trauell.
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