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Morning Praier for a Familie.
O Eternall God, wee thy poore seruants acknow∣ledge that from thee wee first re∣ceiued our being, and euery good thing we inioy▪ and that by thee the same is continued and pre∣serued vnto vs, by thy good pro∣uidence is this day renewed vn∣to vs, and wee kept safe vnto it: wherefore, desirous to per∣forme our dutie vnto thee, and to receiue a blessing from thee, (without which we cannot pros∣per in any thing that we take in hand) we doe humble our selues before the glorious throne of thy grace, to offer vp vnto thee our morning sacrifice of prayer. We know that our sinnes haue made vs odious in thy sight, vnwor∣thy of all thy blessings, and lya∣ble to al the iudgements denoun∣ced