The vvhole-armor of God: or A Christians spiritual furniture, to keepe him safe from all the assaults of Satan First preached, and now the second time published and enlarged for the good of all such as well vse it:whereunto is also added a treatise of the sinne against the Holy Ghost. By VVilliam Gouge B.D. and preacher of Gods Word in Blacke Fryers London. ...
Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
Page  485
§. 128. Of the meanes to pray aright in the Spirit.

THey who desire to pray aright, so as their prayer should be acceptable to God, must,

1 Labour for Gods sanctifying spirit, which is gotten by the ministery of the word, as was set foorth byn those extraordinary gifts which God bestowed on Christians while they were hearing the word preached: & aso Saint Paul with great emphasis affirmeth, saying, receiued ye the the spirit by the workes of the law, or by hearing of faith? that is, assuredly by hearing the Gospell (which is the word of faith) preached ye receiued the spirit: in which respect the preaching of the Gospell is called,pthe ministration of the spirit.

2 Hauing the spirit we must goe along with him, and follow his good motions: powring forth those desires which he suggesteth vnto vs:q the fire which God would continually to burne vpon his Altar, came out from the Lord. If sacrifices were offered vp with any other fire, that fire was countedr strange, and the sacrifices no whit acceptable, but abominable to the Lord: the hea∣uenly fire whereby our spirituall sacrifices of praier must be offered vp, is that holy spirit which commeth out from God: he carrieth the very image of God: we must there∣fore sgiue vnto God that which is Gods.

3 We must take heede wetgrieue not the holy spirit of God: which is done byuquenching the goog motions there∣of thorow our carelesnesse, or by*resisting the spirit, tho∣row our rebellion: hence is it that many of the Saints are so dull, and vntoward to this exercise: by their security and carnality they haue grieued Gods spirit, and he hath withdrawne his helpe and assistance.

Many hearing that the spirit maketh request for vs, wilPage  486 be ready wholly to giue ouer this duty vnto the worke of the spirit, and so neuer rowse vp themselues, but say, when the spirit please it will make request for me. These grieue the spirit, because they stirre not vp the gift thereof.