The vvhole-armor of God: or A Christians spiritual furniture, to keepe him safe from all the assaults of Satan First preached, and now the second time published and enlarged for the good of all such as well vse it:whereunto is also added a treatise of the sinne against the Holy Ghost. By VVilliam Gouge B.D. and preacher of Gods Word in Blacke Fryers London. ...
Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
§. 114. Of publike and priuate Fasts and vowes.

AS the occasions of fasting and vowing are publike or priuate, so must they bee done publikly or priuately. Because there was a publike iudgement on the land,dIoel the Prophet called the people to a publike fast.e So like∣wise Ezra caused a publike vow to to made of all the peo∣ple.Page  468Annahs occasion was priuate and particular, accor∣dingly was her f fast and g vow.

A publike fast or vow must bee appointed by publike authority (as were all the publike fasts and vowes recor∣ded and commended in the Scripture) and performed by all that are vnder their authority, & in their dominion who command it. When Iehosaphat proclaimed a publike fast, it is noted that they came out of all the Cities of Iudah: and when Iosiah made a publike vow and Couenant with the Lord: He caused all that were found in Iudah, and Bea∣iamine to stand to it.

The Ministers of the word, ought to put the Magi∣strates in minde of these extraordinary exercises, when there is occasion (as Ioel did) The Magistrate ought to appoint them: and Magistrates, Ministers, People, and all obserue them: and for the better obseruing thereof, as∣semble together in publike places, and vse the publike Ministery of the word: for which wee haue a notable pat∣terne of the Iewes in the time of Nehemiah: for when the people were all assembled together, with fasting to make a solemne vowe:* the Leuites read in the book of the Law of the Lord their God, one fourth part of the day, and ano∣ther fourth part of the day they confessed, and worshipped the Lord their God. These two fourth parts, were all the time that passed betwixt the morning and euening Sacrifice, namely from nine to three.

As for priuate fasts & vowes if they be performed in a family, the Master thereof who is a King, Priest, and Pro∣phet in his owne house, hath the ordering therof. But euery particular Christian hath liberty in secret by himselfe, to vse these extraordinary exercises as he seeth iust cause; if at least he be not vnder the power & cōmand of another, to whom his time and seruice is due. When MagistratesPage  469 are negligent in appointing those publike exercises in their seasons, priuate Christians may for their parts make some supply thereof in their families, or at least in secret by themselues.