A guide to goe to God: or, An explanation of the perfect patterne of prayer, the Lords prayer. By William Gouge, B. in D. and minister of Gods Word in Black-Friers London
Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
Page  101

§. 83. Of praying for temporall blessings.

Q. VVHat are wee taught by the mention of BREAD in this Prayer?

A. Temporall things are to be prayed for. Be∣side the warrant of this Petition, and ofa other prayers of Saints guided therein by Gods Spirit,* wee haue expresse b precepts,* and promises, whereupon to ground our faith in this case. On these grounds the Saints that haue called vpon God for temporall blessings, haue also* giuen thankes to God the giuer of them. For

1. These arec good things in themselues.

2. They are very needfull and vsefull. Needfull (as meanes sanctified of God▪) for preseruing our being in the world, which like a Lampe would soone be extinguished if continu∣all supply of new oyle were not added thereto. In which re∣spect they who bestow the things of this world, on such as want them, are said tod contribute to their necessities. Vsefull they are for enabling vs the better to do the worke which God appointeth to vs.

3. The want of them is a great hinderance to the worke of our calling, to workes of charitie and piety, ande a temptation to iniustice.

Herein then the goodnesse of God in affoording to vs euery thing needfull for body as well as for soule, and for this present life, as well as for the life to come, is euidently set forth: and hereby we may and ought to take the more notice thereof.