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Title:  Gods three arrovves plague, famine, svvord, in three treatises. I. A plaister for the plague. II. Dearths death. III. The Churches conquest over the sword. By William Gouge Doctor in Divinity, and preacher of Gods Word in Black-Friers, London.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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§. 46. Of the causes of Gods wrath among us. THat it may appeare what just cause the Lord hath to powre out the vials of his wrath among us, it wilbe a seasonable taske to take a view of our owne times, and to observe whether the forenamed sinnes may be found among us. For too too truly it may now be said of this Land, of this City, There is wrath gone out from the Lord, the Plague is begun. In prosecuting this taske I will follow the order before Sinnes provo∣king Gods anger rise among us. As, 1. Idolatry. propounded; and bring those sinnes which have been pro∣ved formerly to have provoked Gods wrath, to our times. 1. For idolatry, though the bright light of the Gospell hath for Since the 17 of Nov. 1558. many yeares dispelled the thicke cloud of Popery, a detestable idolatry: yet in many places that cloud gathe∣reth, and thickneth againe. I pray God it increase not as 1 Kin. 18. 44. that cloud which Eliahs servant espied: which though at first it were but a little one like a mans hand, yet it grew to cover the whole skie, and to cause much raine. Too many seducers are among us: too great countenance is given to them. We Ministers have need to inculcate this Apostoli∣call prohibition, 1 Cor. 10. 14. Flee from idolatry. 2. For prophanation of holy things and times, he is blind 2. Prosanation that discerneth it not: he himselfe is too prophane, that is not in his righteous soule vexed thereat. Prayer, preaching, Sacraments are altogether neglected, or very carelesly, ob∣served. As for the Lords Day, it is in many places by many Persons made the Devils day. It is not only in act prophaned, but the profanation therof too much countenanced, justified. 3. For Pollution of profession, what advantage is thereby 3. Pollution of Profession. given to our adversaries. Thence they take occasion of up∣braiding to us our reformation. Yea, the prophane among us are hereby justified. For many Professours are e∣very way as lewde and licentious as they: as vaine in their attire, as corrupt in their speeches, as wan∣ton in their gesture, as deceitfull in their dealing, as uncha∣ritable 0