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Title:  Gods three arrovves plague, famine, svvord, in three treatises. I. A plaister for the plague. II. Dearths death. III. The Churches conquest over the sword. By William Gouge Doctor in Divinity, and preacher of Gods Word in Black-Friers, London.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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when he hath appointed the rites and manner of doing any thing, is to make our selves wiser then God. Papists fai∣lings in mate∣all circumstan∣ces.In this respect we have just cause to separate from the Remish Church, though it be granted, that for substance they hold many of Christs ordinances. They have the Word read, and prayers in their Churches, but in an unknowne tongue, which takes away the benefit thereof. They ac∣knowledge Christ their Mediatour, High-Priest, Head, and Prophet: but in that they joyne Saints in heaven as Medi∣atours, men on earth as true, proper, sacrificing Priests, their Pope a Spirituall head over the whole Church, and give him power to coine new articles of faith, they over-throw the forenamed Orthodoxall substances by these hereticall cir∣cumstances. So the substance of Baptisme which they re∣taine, they impeach by their additions of creame, spittle, and other like foolish inventions, and by their false positions about the absolute necessity, and operative efficacy of the externall worke. The like might be exemplified in other ordinances. What warrant have they for creeping to ima∣ges, prostrating their bodies before them, offering to them, going on pilgrimages, wearing haire-shirts, going bare∣foot, whipping themselves: mewing themselves up in cloi∣sters, caves, Hermitages, with an infinite number of their owne inventions. Is God pacified with these? Can such things appease his wrath? What then can be expected for the performance of their ordinances, but this doome of the high Indge, Mat. 159.In vaine they do worship me, teaching for do∣ctrines the commandements of men. And this, Isa. 1. 12.who hath requi∣red this of your hand? Gospellers fai∣lings in mate riall circum∣stances.I would to God there were no occasion among us given to feare the like doome. True it is that we have by the Di∣vine providence more and better light then Papists have, whereby the vanity of their unwarrantable additions to Gods ordinances are discovered and abandoned, yet many offer up their incense without fetching fire from the Lords altar. For some that draw nigh unto God with their mouth, and honour him with their lips, have their heart farre from 0