The vvell spryng of sciences whiche teacheth the perfecte woorke and practise of arithmeticke, bothe in whole nombers and fractions, with suche easie and compendious instruction into the said arte, as hath not heretofore been by any sette out nor laboured. Beautified with moste necessary rules and questions, not onely profitable for marchauntes, but also for all artificers, as in the table doeth partlie appere: set forthe by Humfrey Baker citezeine of Lo[n]don.
Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.

¶ The rule of Felowship with time.

THe money that euery mā lay∣eth in, muste be multiplied by the time that it remaineth in company: and of that whiche cōmeth thereof you shall make their newe layings in for eche of them: and then multiplye the gaines by euery one of them seuerally, the whiche you shall diuide by all their new layings in ad∣ding togither, and you shall haue pro∣portionally eche mannes parte of the gaine according to his laying in.