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Title:  The returne of prayers A treatise wherein this case how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers is briefly resolved, with other observations vpon Psal. 85.8. concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. By Tho: Goodvvin. B.D.
Author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680.
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deales with his owne Children, whether a peo∣ple or a particular man: so with a nation, Esay 63. 10. They rebelled, and hee fought against them: so with a particular man, God frowned upon and rated his Child Ephraim, and spake bitter things a∣gainst him, (it is the phrase used, Ier. 31. 20.) though yet Ephraim is my pleasant Child sayes he: David had not a good word from him a long time, Psal. 51. 8. Make me to heare againe of joy and gladnesse. And Psal. 50 7. Heare oh my peo∣ple, and I will speake, but not against them they might hope, because hee ownes them for his peo∣ple: 0