The couragious Turke, or, Amurath the First A tragedie. Written by Thomas Goffe Master of Arts, and student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and acted by the students of the same house.
Goffe, Thomas, 1591-1629.

Scaena, 2. Actus, 3.

Enter Amurath in Armes, Schahin, Captaines, Souldiers.
Rise (Soule!) injoy the prize of thy brave worth!
Scahin! the Present that thou so profest,
Should from the City of Orestias,
Make proud our eyes! then tell me. hast thou slaine
A thousand superstitious Christian soules;
Make them stoope to us; O, I would bath my hands
In their warme bloud to make them supple. (Schahin;)
That they may weild more Speares! our hands are dull,
Our furie's patient! now will I be a Turke,
And to our Prophets altars doe I vow,
That to his yoke I will all necks subdue,
Or in their throates my bloudy sword imbrew.
Page  [unnumbered]Here Schahin calls in his souldiers, and each of them presents to Amurath, the head of a dead Christian.
Then King, to adde fresh oyle unto thy hate,
And make it raise it selfe a greater flame,
See here these Christians heads; thus still shall fall
Before thy fatall hand, these impio•…s slaves;
So long as number's wanting to the sand,
So long as day shall come with Sunne, and night
Be spangled with the twilight dawning starres,
Whilst floods shall fall into the Ocean
Shall Christians tremble at Turkes thundring stroakes.
Soam I Amurath the great King of Turkes,
O how it glads me thus to pash thei•… braines,
To rend their lockes, to teare these Infidels!
Who thundered when these heads were smitten off?
Starres I could reach you with my lofty hand,
'Tis well enough, enough, (great Amurath)
For now I sit in Orchanes great throne,
And sacrifice due rites to Mahomet;
Yet why enough? Ile on and dung the Earth,
With Christians rotted trunckes, that frō that soyle,
May spring more Cadmean Monsters to orecome thē.
Captaines, what Conntries next shal we make flow,
With Channels of their bloud?
To Servia (my Lord) there are troupes of armes,
Gathered to resist Mahometans.
At Bulgaria, there they set on fire,
The Countries as they passe, 'twere good we haste.
Why they doe well! we like of their desire
To make the flame in which themselves must fry!
Ruine, destruction, famine, and the sword,
Shall all invade them, Sunne stay thou thy flight,
And see the snakes in their owne River drencht,
Whil•…t with their bloud our furious thirst is que•…cht!