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Title:  The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre
Author: Goeurot, Jean.
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The decoction of water betonye, is approued good in the sayed diseases. Likewise ye ointment of herbes, wher∣of I made menciō ī ye cure of scabbes, is exceding holsome after the sores are rype.Moreouer it is good to droppe in the pacientes eyes .v. or vi. tymes a daye, a litle rose or fenell water, to coumforte the syght, leste it be hurte by continual rennīg of matter. This water must be ministred in the sommer colde, & in the wīter ye ought to apply it luke warm.Thesame rose water is also good to gargle in his mouth, yf the chylde bee then payned in the throte.And lest the condites of ye nose should be stopped, it shalbe very expedient to let him smel often to a sponge wete in the iuce of sauerye, strong vineger, and a litle rose water.To take away the spottes & scarres of the smal pockes and measels.The bloude of a bull or of an hare is much commēded of authours to be an∣nointed 0