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Title:  The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre
Author: Goeurot, Jean.
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iagged on the sides lyke a sawe, euen as other betonye, to whom it appro∣cheth in figure, & obtemeth his name of water betony. The sauoure of the leafe is somwhat heauye, moste lyke to ye sauoure of elders or walwort, but when it is brused it is more pleasaūt, whych thyng induceth me to vary frō the myndes of them that thynke this herbe to be Galiopsis in Dioscorides, wrytten of hym that it shulde stynke when it is stamped, but the more this herbe is stamped, the more swete and herbelyke it sauoureth: therfore it can not be galeopsis: and besides that, it is neuer founde in drye and stony groūd as the Galiopsis is. Neyther is thys herbe mencyoned of the newe or olde authours, as farre as I can see, but of only Vigo, ye famous surgion of oure tyme in Italye, whych wryteth on it, that this herbe exceadeth al other in a malo mortuo (so calleth he a kynde of eprye elephantyk, or an vniuersal & fylthy scabbe of all the body:) and in 0