A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by vvitches and sorcerers By which men are and haue bin greatly deluded: the antiquitie of them: their diuers sorts and names. With an aunswer vnto diuers friuolous reasons which some doe make to prooue that the deuils did not make those aperations in any bodily shape. By G. Gyfford.
- Title
- A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by vvitches and sorcerers By which men are and haue bin greatly deluded: the antiquitie of them: their diuers sorts and names. With an aunswer vnto diuers friuolous reasons which some doe make to prooue that the deuils did not make those aperations in any bodily shape. By G. Gyfford.
- Author
- Gifford, George, d. 1620.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: [By T. Orwin] for Toby Cooke,
- 1587.
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To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information.
- Subject terms
- Witchcraft -- Early works to 1800.
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"A discourse of the subtill practises of deuilles by vvitches and sorcerers By which men are and haue bin greatly deluded: the antiquitie of them: their diuers sorts and names. With an aunswer vnto diuers friuolous reasons which some doe make to prooue that the deuils did not make those aperations in any bodily shape. By G. Gyfford." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A01718.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 20, 2025.
- title page
¶ To the right woorshipfull Maister
Ri∣chard Martin, Alderman, and VVarden of her Maiesties Mint. -
A BRIEFE DISCOVRSE wherein is declared the subtil practise
of deuils by witches and sorcerers, by which men are and haue bene greatly seduced.- The 1 Chapter.
The definition of a witch: the antiquity of witchcraft.
The 2 Chapter. - That there be 8. sortes of Witches and practisers of de∣uilish art, mentioned, Deuter. 18. whose names and their interpretation do here follow. The 3. Chapter.
The nature of deuils described with there operations and effectes.
The 4 Chapter. -
Deuils haue no power to hurt mens bodies or goods, but vpon speciall leaue giuen vnto them.
The 5. Chapter. -
Diuels can appeare in a bodily shape, and vse speeche and conference with men.
The 6. Chapter. -
An answere vnto certaine friuolous reasons, which some doe make to proue that the Deuils did not make those appari∣tions, & that he cannot appeare in any bodily shape.
The 7. Chapter. -
No man nor woman can giue power vnto the deuill to doe hurt, neither doth their sending authorize him, but he vseth them onely for a colour.
The 8. Chapter. -
That the Deuill practising his mischiefe by sorcerers, doth lead the wicked world into many horrible sinnes which snare the soules of men vnto eternall condem∣nation.
The 9. Chapter. -
The sharp punishment appointed in the word of God for such as worke with the deuill, and the true cause of the same, and that it is no godly zeale but furious rage, where∣with the common sort are caried against witches.
Chapt. 10. -
What manner of persons are fittest for the deuill to make his instruments in witchcraft & sorceries, and who are subiect vnto his harmes.
Chapt. 11. -
The true remedy whereby men are deliuered from all feare and daunger of witchcraft.
Chapt. 12.