her, thrise happy are they which do not meddle with her. Is not this foule hauocke trow yee, which the witches do make? Yea but how is it possible that poore old women should do such thinges? O syr, they do it not by themselues. They haue their spirites which they keepe at home in a corner, some of them twoo, some three, some fiue: these they send when they be dis∣pleased, and wi•…•… them for to plague a man in his body, or in his cattle. This matter hath bene tryed: for diuers well disposed men, euen for very pity to see what hurt witches do by sending their spirites, haue seriously taken the matter in hande, and haue hunted those puckrils out of their neaites. And what haue they found? they haue found that some one woman hath had three. They haue found where shee kept them in wooll.
What meate shee gaue them, What likenes they had, What were their names, Whether they were hees or shees, and how many men they had killed. Some haue bene han∣ged, and haue at the gallowes confessed the whole matter. Who is able to declare the brutish errors and foule sinnes which multitudes are led into, by this craftye dealing of the dealing of the Deuil. For my selfe I do not thinke that I can shew the tenth part. But yet I see so much as may make any Christian hart bleede to beholde. I will endeuor to open the collusion of Satan and his purpose in this thing, so far as I can: with the follies which the blinde multitude fall into, and do not espie the same.
First then for the maner. The poore old witch, pined with hunger, goeth abroad vnto some of her neighbours, and there begge a little milke which is denied. Shee threatneth that she will be euen with them. Home shee returneth in great fury, cursing, and raging, Forth shee calleth her spirite, and wil∣leth him to plague such a man. Away goeth hee. Within few howres after the man is in such torment, that he can not tell what hee may doe. Hee doth thinke himselfe vnhappy that he was so foolish to displease her.
What shal wee say vnto these things? Is here no packing? Is not here first of all a way taken by the wiely and wicked