do nothing vnlesse he were sent by her.
How absurd this conceite is, shall easily appeare if wee weigh these fewe rules. First al men that haue the vse but of naturall reason, must needes confesse that witchcraft and coniuration are to bee nombred among these filthy sinnes which are most abominable and odious in Gods sight, this is also as cleere, that the fowlest sinnes do spring and flow from the moste vncleane Fountaine, though men be cor∣rupt by nature and very vile, yet the Deuils are muche worse. They bee the authours and deuisers of sinne, they drawe men into it, the Deuill then hath deuised witche∣rye, coniuration, and Enchauntment. The Deuill allure th and seduceth men to become Witches, Coniurors, or En∣chaunters, he seemeth to be a seruaunt vnto the Witch, but shee is his seruaunt. The coniurors suppose that they bind him by the power of coniuration in which they reckon vp the names of God, but he is voluntarily bound, or doth indeed but faine himselfe to be bound▪ for shal we thinke y• he would deuise & teach an art wherby he should indeed be bound? Or can any man be so blockish as to imagine that god wil in deed bind him by his power at the will of a Coniuror. Againe we may not thinke that he which is more forward vnto euill and mischiefe, is set on and procured by the lesse forwarde vnto euill, for that is preposterouse, then muste wee graunt that the Witch doth not prouoke forward the Deuill, but the Deuill bearing swaye in the heart setteth hir on. Hee sayth shee sent him, but from whence commeth it that she sent him? Did he moue hir 〈◊〉〈◊〉 to do so? He doth harme, shall we suppose that she gaue him commissiō & power▪ let it be ex∣amined, first we confesse that god ruleth all by his prouidēce. Next this is taught vs also in the holy scriptures, y• the deuill ruleth with power in the children of disobedience, hee is the god of ye world, sinful men are by a righteous bengance of god subiect vnto him, what shal we say then, can y• lesse giue power vnto the greater, shall a silly old creature scarse able to bite a •…•…ust in sūder, giue autortiy & power to y• prince of darknes? is