The nature of deuils described with there operations and effectes. The 4 Chapter.
THe Deuils being the principall agents, & chiefe practisers in witchcrafts and sor∣ceryes, It is much to the purpose to des∣crybe and set thē for wheree by we shall bee the better instructed to see what he is able to do, in what maner, and to what ende & purpose. At y• beginning (as Gods word doth teach vs) they were createdholy Angels, full of power, & * 1.1 glory. They sinned, they were cast downe from heauen, they were vtterly depriued of glory, and •…•…reserued for iudgement. This therfore, & this change of theirs, did not destroy nor take away their former faculties: but vtterly corrupt, peruert, and depraue the same: the essence of spirits remayned, & not onely but also power & vnderstanding, such as is in Angels▪ y• heauē∣ly Angels are very mighty & strong, far aboue all earthly cre∣atures in the whole world: The infernall angels are for their strength called principalityes & powers: those blessed ones ap∣plye all their might to set vp & aduaunce the glgry of God, to* 1.2 defend & succour his children▪ the deuils bend all their force a∣gainst God, agaynst his glory, his truth & his people. And this is done with such fiercenes, rage, & cruelty, that the holy ghost paynteth them out vnder the figure of a great red or fiery dra∣gon, & roaring lyon, in very deed any thing comparable to thē: He hath such power and autority indeede, that hee is called the God of the world. His kingdome is bound and inclosed within certayne limits, for he is ye prince but of darknes: but yet with∣in his sayd dominion (which is in ignorance of God, he exerci∣seth a mighty tyrany▪ our Sauiour compareth him to a strong man armed which kepeth his castle.