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That there be 8. sortes of Witches and practisers of de∣uilish art, mentioned, Deuter. 18. whose names and their interpretation do here follow. The 3. Chapter.
THer are no doubt a thousand waies differing euery one from the rest in one circumstance or other, vnder which Satan doth hide and couer his craft and deadly poyson. But yet the holy Ghost to warne al men to beware, doth mention onely 8. sortes, vnder which no doubt hee comprehendeth all other: for there bee other names in the Scriptures, but yet such as do note in the Egyptian and Chaldean tong, those that are the same with some of these. I suppose that this one reason may suffice for to proue, that vnder eight names all are comprehended, because that here is a general matter dealt in. For the Lord shewing that those gentils caused their children to passe through the fire doth by the trope synecdoche of the part for the whole, vnder∣stand all that false worship and idolatrie into which they were blindly led and seduced. Then hee nameth who they were, whose helpe Satan did vse as chiefe instrumentes to seduce withall. And lastly agaynst all these hee doth oppose the true Prophet, whom hee would raise vp from tyme to tyme, vnto his people, at whose mouth they were to learne his holy wil and the true and acceptable worship.
Now then let vs come vnto the names by which those euill people are named by the holy ghost in the Hebrew tong, for their interpretation, so farre as wee may attayne, wil bring some light hereunto.
The most of them be set down in the forme of participles. The first is called Kosem Kesamim, that is, one which deuia•…•…th by