The 1 Chapter.
I Am not ignorant touching this one point, that the discouery, and laying open of Satans wylines which hee practiseth by witchcraft, is a mat∣ter of no small difficulty, the reason is manifest, and without all contro∣uersie to bee admitted, which doth proue the same: for if politike wise men can dig so deepe to hide theyr counsels and intents, that no man can espie them: how shall wee discry the practise of deuils, who are far more deepe and subtil, and can couer their sleights and false conueiances more craftily then men▪ let no man therefore suppose that I take vpon me, or professe so great skil as to vncouer and make ma∣nifest, as it were the groundworke of those treacheries which he practiseth by Sorcerers and Witches. The very truth is, I haue not curiously serched them out, nether do I accompt it the labour •…•…est spent. I only purpose so far to open Satans packe, and to make shew of so many of his false and counter∣fait wares, as may instruct the simple sort to discerne the bet∣ter and to iudge of all the rest, which I trust euery modest and sober mynd wil allow to bee in some measure sufficient. Se∣ing we haue this aduantage, that wee are most sure that al his finest stuffe is no better then his coursest wares, because that all his doings are for naughty and wicked purpose, howsoeuer they may seeme to bee profitable. Whereas then the light of