wherein this might consisteth. And to the end that the exhor∣tation may the more affect vs, Saint Paule doth expresse the whole matter vnder the likenesse and termes of warre. For thereby appeareth that there is néede of Gods power, that we may escape out of the great perrill. The Apostle as a chiefe Captaine in the Lords Armie, doth stirre vp and prepare all Christian souldiers. He sheweth who be the enemies. He de∣clareth their terror in sundrie respects. But yet vndoubted vic∣torie vnto all those which followe his prescript. All the power of God wherewith wee resist and ouercome the deuill, is con∣ueyed into vs by faith alone. But because he speaketh as of a souldier in his compleat armour, he applieth but one part vn∣to faith, and the rest vnto those things which doe goe vnsepe∣rably with faith. The souldier had his head and all parts of his bodie with his legges and feete armed: then had he his sword in his right hand, and his shield in the left. Euen so in this spi∣rituall armour applyed by similitude vnto the soule, here is ar∣mour for the head, for the feet and legges, and for al the whole bodie, and then the shield of faith to hold foorth in the one hand, and the spirituall sword which is the word of God in the other hand. The summe of the whole is, that by faith in the Gospell of Iesus Christ we are armed with power of grace, with true knowledge and light, with sincere integritie of heart, and with a godly life, with zeale, with patience, and with all other hea∣uenly vertues, so that the fierie darts of the deuill, neither in tempting vnto filthie sinnes, nor yet in damnable heresies and opinions, can fasten vpon vs. If wee want the true faith, wee want grace: we be not in Christ, we haue not his spirit. This faith is grounded vpon the word of God: for the word is sent to bee preached, that men may heare and beléeue. If men bée ignorant in the word of God, they cannot haue power to resist the deuill: they haue no sword to fight with him. Christ our great Captaine hath left vnto vs an example which we ought to follow, when he resisted the deuill. For at euery temptation, he draweth foorth this same spirituall sworde, and saith it is written, and so woundeth Satan therewith, that he taketh the