others vnto Apostasie, Deut. 23. vers. 5. The murthe∣•…•…er might not be redeemed. Numb. 35. vers. 31. The selfe same▪ seuerity is required against such as worke by the deuill, or that dealt with familiare spirites: for it is sayd, thou shalt not suffer a Witch to liue, Exod. 22. Mechashshepha by the tropesinecdo•…•…he is in this place being but one kinde, put for al that practise deuilishe arte. For it is very vaine and friuolouse to take it, that death should bee appointed, as to a murtherer with poyson. For in another place, namely Leuit. 20. vers. 27. The Lord doth take two other kindes where he appoynteth the penaltie of death. These be his words, the man or the wo∣man in whom there shall be Ob or Iiddegnoni, shall dye the death. Out of which places we may collect the true cause of this seueritie to bée in very déede the familiaritie with deuils. The deuils be the vtter enemies of GOD, which seeke by all meanes to dishonor him and to deface his glorie. How can any then vse familiaritie with them, vse their helpe, or seeke vnto them, but he committeth a monstrous enormitie, and such as deserueth a thousand deathes. Moreouer the Witch, the Con∣iurer, the Enchaunter, the Sorcerer, and the rest are the cause of foule errors and much wickednesse, much horrible abusing Gods holy and sacred name, and therefore are woorthie to dye. This being the true cause why God doth abhorre such, as it is manifest, we may easily sée the grosse error of the blind mul∣titude, in this behalfe. For they hold that witches should bee put to death, and not onely that, but are inflamed with a won∣derfull rage and fury to haue it accomplished. I call it rage & not zeale, because it is not to a right end. For if they were so zealous of it for Gods honor it were a merueilous good thing: but in déed it is not for any zeale of God y• they be so forward, but for an other consideration. Thieues and murtherers say they be put to common deaths: how much more sharp death & tormēts are witches worthy to haue laid vpon them? But aske them why: Oh say they, the witches send their spirits and kill and lame men: they kill young infantes: they kill cattle, they •…•…aise winds & tempests, they be the very plagues of men. Here