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Title:  The newe iewell of health wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into fower bookes. In the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inwarde as outwarde, of all the partes of mans bodie: treating very amplye of all dystillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimonie, and potable gold. Gathered out of the best and most approued authors, by that excellent doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures, and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instrumentes therevnto belonging. Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, chirurgian.
Author: Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565.
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being foure square, and very playne of workemanship, at whose corners were foure vessels placed, as at eche corner one, and Re∣gisters made for them, as to the other Furnaces afore descry∣bed: so that little differing in vses, sauing in the forme and bew∣tie, for which cause, this Furnace is to be ordered in all poynts lyke to the aforesayde: in gouerning the Registers, and heate of the fire, that this may easier be conceyued, I haue ioyned it with the figure before descrybed, as the same maye euidentlye ap∣péere on the other side to the eye, borowed both out of the singular worke, intituled Pirotechnia.The sayde Chymist in his worke of Pirotechnia, descrybeth two other Furnaces, seruing to sundrie vses: the one to be built after this maner: That is, a square Turret to be raysed wyth Bryckes, and the same made rounde wythin, the hole for the drawing forth of the Ashes, to be halfe a foote from the foundati∣on, aboue which (nygh a foote) thrée or foure small Barres to be layde (in the forme of a Grate) well a finger bredth distant one from the other, that the Ashes may the lightlyer fall through, for hyndring of the fire to burne and gyue his heate, on this Grate all about laye Tyles in handsome maner, leauing but a hands bredth vncouered, for the fire to burne through: after this, about a foote higher, make your Ouen open in the toppe, but in fashion lyke to the Bakers Ouen, which leaue hollowe downewarde to the Grate, that the Coles in the nether Ouen (hauing a lesser mouth than the vpper) kyndled, may burne and flame vp: to the mouth of this nether Ouen, must a doore be set, whereby it may be opened for the putting in and taking out of Coales, & shutting the same agayne, when néede shall require: but the mouth of the vpper and greater, must alwayes be left open, for the flame to passe forth: ouer the inner mouth of this greater Ouen, must two Iron barres more be layde, so wyde one from the other, that a man may handsomelye set on them a melting Crucible, or other vessell to calcyne withall, as it behooueth: Ouer the head of this square Turret remayning open, must so large a slate stone be layde, as may wholy couer the same, yet may you not make fast the slate with morter, to the heade or top of the Ouen or Turret, in that when néede requireth, the same is to be taken of. After 0