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Title:  The newe iewell of health wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into fower bookes. In the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inwarde as outwarde, of all the partes of mans bodie: treating very amplye of all dystillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimonie, and potable gold. Gathered out of the best and most approued authors, by that excellent doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures, and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instrumentes therevnto belonging. Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, chirurgian.
Author: Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565.
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Aqua vitae one pynte, of Lignum aloes pure, of Santali muscati, of Mace, of Cubebae, of Galingale, of Nutmegges, of Cloues, of Spykenard, of Masticke, of Gynger, of Cynamon, of Saffron, of graynes of Paradize, of eache thrée drammes, of gum Arabicke thrée ounces, of fine Muske halfe a dram.An oyle seruing vnto sundrye disseases, hauing the vertue of a Baulme, thus discrybed of D. Gesnerus (as I thincke:) take of the best whyte wyne two measures and a halfe, of newe Cowe mylk (new milked) thrée ounces, of good Hony eyght ounces, of the rootes of the Gentiane eyght ounces, of Astrantia thrée ounces, of Angelica two ounces, of chosen Baye berries one ounce & a halfe, of Rue, of Iuniper berryes, of drye redde Roseleaues, of each one handfull, of Helycampane rootes one ounce, of Cloues, of the swéete ryndes of the Cytrone, of Calamus aromaticus, of Cyna∣mon, of Annyse, of Fennell seedes, of Masticke, of Beniamyne, of eache halfe an ounce, these after the finely shredding and beating togyther, stiepe in a large glasse, or glasses (if you wyll) close luted, and set in a hote place for seuen or eyght dayes. After dy∣styll the whole with a head, & Receauer, close luted in the ioynts, so great and large, that a thyrde part or more of the body remaine empty. This body set in fine sifted ashes, and distyll in the begin∣ning with a softe fire, after increase the fire by lytle and lytle, vnto the ende of the worke. But the Aucthour supposeth the first distyllacion ought to be done a parte in another vessell, and that the wyne and mylke to bée first distylled togyther. Out of this distyllation, are also thrée lycours gotten and gathered. This water wyll auayle against poysons, the Pestilence, the stone, the quartayne, the cotydiane Ague, vnto sweating, moo∣uing, &c. This also helpeth the harde fetching of breath, and the obstructions or stoppings of the bowelles, vnto all flewmaticke matters, and vnto the Falling sycknesse, and to defende or pre∣serue also the pacient from the Fallyng sycknesse. A man maye lyke coniecture, that this Baulme, for the makyng of a perfite Tryacle, to bée aptlye and to good purpose appoynted.The Aucthor of Nouia viatici, in the Chapter of the palsie, discri∣beth a like licour to the baulme: take of the whitest Frākensence, and of Mastick, of each two ounces, of Lignum aloes one ounce, of 0