The ofspring of the house of Ottomanno and officers pertaining to the greate Turkes court. Whereunto is added Bartholomeus Georgieuiz Epitome, of the customes rytes, ceremonies, and religion of the Turkes: with the miserbale affliction of those Christians, whiche liue vnder their captiuitie and bondage. In the ende also is adioyned the maner hovv Mustapha, oldest sonne of Soltan Soliman, twelfth Emperour of the Turkes, was murthered by his father, in the yere of our Lorde 1553. al Englished by Hugh Goughe.
Georgijević, Bartolomej, d. ca. 1566., Gough, Hugh, fl. 1569.

¶ The estate of the Turkes peeres or nobilitie, and of the possessione.

NOt one of the nobles, doth possesse anye prouince or cytye by ryght Page  [unnumbered] title of inheritāce, which after his death, he maye leaue vnto his children, heires or successours, with out consente of the kynge. But if a Prince or gouernour co∣ueteth to haue certaine possessions, it is graunted vnto him vpon this condition. They enter in bargaine concernyng the Prince and reuenewes of those possessi∣ons. The Turke doth know, how many souldiers may yearely be mainteined by the profits of that prouince, then ye Liue∣tenante is bounde to haue allwayes in readines for him, that band of souldiers, at all callinges, otherwise he léeseth his head: and no thing may excuse him from going vnto warre, but onely sicknes. And if at anye time, it shall please the Turke to depriue him of that benefyte, it is in his frée will and choyse: But if he be not depriued, it is his propre possessiō vntill death. After whose interremente, if the heyres of the disceased, will ob∣serue and kéepe the same couenant, they Page  [unnumbered] are permitted to enioye it, if not, it is as∣signed vnto others. If some time any of these péeres or noble doth talke with the kyng, he fasteneth his eyes on ye ground, not daring to beholde hys countenance.