The ofspring of the house of Ottomanno and officers pertaining to the greate Turkes court. Whereunto is added Bartholomeus Georgieuiz Epitome, of the customes rytes, ceremonies, and religion of the Turkes: with the miserbale affliction of those Christians, whiche liue vnder their captiuitie and bondage. In the ende also is adioyned the maner hovv Mustapha, oldest sonne of Soltan Soliman, twelfth Emperour of the Turkes, was murthered by his father, in the yere of our Lorde 1553. al Englished by Hugh Goughe.
Georgijević, Bartolomej, d. ca. 1566., Gough, Hugh, fl. 1569.

Iereys is Prince of the battels fought vpon the sea, and warres about the sea coastes, whiche alwaies is choseu out of the nomber of them wyche are named Szantsakbegler, or Liuetenantes whyche gouerne Calliopolis. He hath the charge of thre hundred shippes, all whiche are gouerned by sailes.