The lavves and statutes of Geneua as well concerning ecclesiastical discipline, as ciuill regiment, with certeine proclamations duly executed, whereby Gods religion is most purelie mainteined, and their common wealth quietli gouerned: translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Robert Fills.
Geneva (Switzerland), Fills, Robert, fl. 1562.

¶For reuerent vsing of the magistrates and ministers.

Item that no maner person doe mis∣name or raylle vpon the prynces or magistrates vpō payne of imprison∣mente, & to be further chastisied accor¦ding to the factes.

Item, that no maner person doe mis∣name or raylle vpon the mynyster of the worde of god vnder ye same paine.

Item, that no maner of person of what estate soeuer he be, shall in no Page  81 maner of wise procure nor practise se∣cretly or opēly to abolishe, let, or stop, or cause to hinder ye worde and seruice of god and his holy euangelly, neither to aduance or bring ageine the papi∣sticall lawe, vpon paine of death.