The lavves and statutes of Geneua as well concerning ecclesiastical discipline, as ciuill regiment, with certeine proclamations duly executed, whereby Gods religion is most purelie mainteined, and their common wealth quietli gouerned: translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Robert Fills.
Geneva (Switzerland), Fills, Robert, fl. 1562.

❧Enstructions to gouerne Christian householdes, and principally Innes, tauernes, and victuallinge houses, in Geneua.

WHAT so euer he be that shall receaue people in to his house, let him go∣uerne him selfe prynci∣pally accordinge to the worde of god, and al o∣ther persons whiche shall resorte to Page  78 him, he shall instructe them to liue ho∣lily according to the same, and also to enstructe his housholde in the feare of god and his commaundementes, go∣uerning al his affaires reasonablie & keping his house in good order.

Also that he lodge not wythin hys inne by his knowledge any people of of a wicked lyfe, as whoremongers, herlottes, drounkerdes, murderers, theues, sorcerers, heretikes, nor such like, & suffer not within hys presence the name of god to be blasphemed, nor vnreuerently to dishonour god by na∣ming the deuil, nor yt the sacred worde of god be in no wise slaūdered or blas∣phemed: & also not to be forgotten to render graces and thankes to god be∣fore meate and after. Also not to doe in any case to others that thou woul∣dest shoulde not be done to thee remē∣bring that thou must make accompte to god for all thynges: also lodge thy people well and safely, and call vpon god wyth all thye compaygnye be∣fore they goe to bed, and make their prayers.

Sel reasonablie, & compte faithfully, Page  [unnumbered] discharging thy conscience before god suffer no wicked plaies, nor vnlawe∣full games, but mainteine & aduance the honour of god, excercising ye rea∣ding of his holye worde, kepe no ex∣cesse in table, meates, and drynkes, neyther vse ouer late drynkinge, or bancketing, walke vprightly in ve∣ritie, and truth, in all thy affaires, fo∣lowing Iesus Christ and his ho∣ly doctrine, thus doing the lord shall ayde thee, and in the tyme of nede shall not faile thee.