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Title:  Tvvo mariage sermons the former on Prov. 19. 14. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. The latter on Iohn 2. 1--12. By that learned and judicious divine Mr William Bradshaw some time fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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Prout Alpheum Arethuse aiunt commisceri. mingle their waters togither, and are not seuered againe till they are swallowed vp in the Sea. Chil∣dren are asGenes. 49 22. Psal. 128. 3. branches shooting out of one stemme, diuided and seuered either from other, or as grifts and siences cut of, or boughes and branches clipped of from their natiue stocke, and either planted or engraffed els-where. Man and Wife are as the stock and sience, the one. Rom 11. 24. ingraffed into the other, and so fastned togither, that they cannot againe be sun∣dred, or asEzech. 37. 17 Vno Vt siquis geminos cōducat corce ra∣mos, Crescendo iun∣gi, parier{que} adole∣sere cernit. Ovid. metam. l. 4. those two peeces in the Prophets hand inclosed in one barke, and making both but one branch. AndGenes. 2. 24.Therefore, saith the Holy Ghost, shall a man leaue Father and Mother, and Christ{us} Mat. 19. glewed vnto, or. Moses.cleaue fast to his wife: and TheyIta Mosen sup∣plet Christus: quo∣modo & Math. 4. 10. ex Deut. 6. 13. & 10. 20.two shall be one flesh.The neerer the bond then, the greater the euill, where it falleth out otherwise then it ought.Prov. 19. 14.A foolish Sonne, saith Salomon, is the calamitie of his Fa∣ther. And how is he his calamitie? He is Prov. 10. 5. & 17. 2. & 19. 26. & 29. 15.filius pudefaciens, such an one as shameth his Parents, and maketh them glad to hide their heads in the house. ButProv. 19. 13. an euill wife is as the raine dropping in through the tiles, that maketh him weary of the house, that vexeth him so that it driueth him out of dores.YeaProv. 27. a dropping in a rainy day, when it is foule without and it droppeth within. So that it maketh a man at his wits end, vncertaine whither it be better for him to be abroad in the raine, or to bide within dores in the dropping. And for this cause Augustine compareth an euill Conscience to a badwife, (and it may seeme that he pleased himselfe somewhat in the similitude,August in Psal. 33. & in Psal. 35. & in Psal. 45. & alibi. he maketh vse so oft of it:) which 0