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Title:  True contentment in the gaine of godlines, with its self-sufficiencie A meditation on 1. Timoth. 6. 6. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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that will be sure to strip vs, and suffer nothing to passe with vs, vnlesse it be some sory sheete, or a seare rag to rot with vs, Non magis hc ad defunctum per∣tinent hominem, quàm secundae ad editum infantem. Sen. epist 92. Istud non sentienti su∣pervacuum est, sen∣tienti onus. Nō de∣functorū causa, sed vivorum, inventa est sepultura, vt corpora visu & o∣dore foed amore∣rentur. Idem de re∣med. fortuit. Exhi∣bentur ista nō sen∣tienti: tanquā or∣at{us} dormieti, qui in pannis esse s somniat. Aug. in Psal. 48. Sed & vnguentum accipis diues, postquā mor∣tuus es, & foetidus es. Perdis alienam gratiam, nec acqui∣ris tuam. Ambr. de Nabuth. c. 1. that which yet we shall haue no sense of, nor be any whit at all the better for, than if we were wholy without it.But Godlinesse, and the gaine of it, will abide by vs for euer. Sicut charitas 1. Cor. 13. 8. sic pit non excidit. Ier. 32. 40. Psal. 85. 8. H sunt vere diviti, quas cum habueri∣mus, dere non ▪ Aug, de verb. 76. It is a grace that we cannot loose or fall from; Plt. dthi. virt.. Plt. de pdag.. potest vnquam: , ∣que nec, . 6. a benefit that we cannot be abridged or bereaued of by any. As Jo. 1. . Heb. 13. 5.God will neuer forsake thee; so Godlinesse will neuer leaue thee, if thou beest once soundly and sincerely religious. ad , ad . Vise Cicer. Ts. 5.It will goe vp with thee to the wheele, it will goe downe with thee to the rack: it will keepe with thee while thou liuest; Apoc. 14. 13. it will away with thee when thou diest. For Prov. 11. 7. Iob.7. 8. .when the worldly man dieth, his hope dieth with him;Prov. 14. 32. Iob. 13. 15, 16. ▪ but the godly hath hope euen in death. And ▪the Feare of God, that is Godlinesse, and.the righteous∣nesse of it, in. 19. ▪the reward of it, that is the gaine that commeth by it, endureth for euer, and exten∣deth it selfe to all eternitie, lasting not onely past this liues end, but past the whole worlds end, with which all worldly wealth and gaine; must needes haue an end.This world is compared to a Fishing; the 1. 7. end of it, to the drawing vp of the nets: while the nets are downe, there is nothing said to be caught; for 0