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Title:  The spirituall vvatch, or Christs generall watch-word A meditation on Mark. 13. 37. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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set it wide open to all vice. By meanes hereof came Genes. 9. 21, 22. Ad vnus horae e∣brietatem nudat fe∣mora, quae per 600. annos sobrietate cō∣teerat. Hieron. ad Ocean.Noah to discouer his owne shame in the sight of his sonnes, to his disgrace and reproach. Yea by meanes hereof came Gen. 19. 32-37. per temulentiā ne∣sciens libidii mis∣cet incestum: & quem Sodma non vicit, vina vice∣runt. Hieron. ibid. Vise Cle. Alex. pae∣dag l 2. c 9.Lot in beastly manner to abuse himselfe by filthy incest with those that came out of his owne loynes, and so became he the father of an accursed bastardly broode. And no maruaile if Sin and Sathan finde free entrance at will, when that is shut out, or laid vp that should watch against either.§. 32. On the other side . Basil. Caes. homil. 1. Sobrietie is a speciall helpe vnto vigilancie: which the Apostles there∣fore are wont vsually to ioyne the one with the other. 1 Thess. 5. 6.Let not vs sleepe, as others doe, saith the Apostle Paul; but let vs watch, and be sober. And, 1 Pet. 4. 7. & 5. 8. . Plut. prae∣cept. polit. vigilan∣tes & sobrij. Cc. pro Calio.Be sober and watch, saith the Apostle Peter. Which sobrietie also must be vnderstood to con∣sist, not in the temperate taking of meat and drinke only, but in a moderate vsage of all other temporal blessings, such especially as we are wont to take pleasure and delight in. For there is (as the Pro∣phet saith in another sense, Thou that art drunke, but not with wine; and, Esai. 29. 9.They are drunke, but not with wine; and they stagger, but not with strong drinke,) there is, I say (as I haue shewed Of Lots, chap. 9. §. 3. else∣where) g Esai. 51. 21.. Consule Deus. in Prouerb. 31 32.a drunkennesse without either wine or strong drinke; yea and a surfetting too without flesh or foode. A man may surfet of, and bee drunke with prosperity, with pleasure, with game, with disport, with other the like delights; and may well be said so to doe, when he is so transpor∣ted with them, so distempered by them, that hee 0