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Title:  The spirituall vvatch, or Christs generall watch-word A meditation on Mark. 13. 37. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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my text; that it is in this case Mark. 13. 34, 35, 36. Luk▪ 12. 36, 37, 38.As when a man go∣ing from home for a time, leaueth his seruants to keepe house, and setteth each one his taske, and willeth the Porter to watch: and he warneth vs all therefore to Luk. 21 incessantly, (because Mat. 24. 42, 43.wee know not what time our Lord and Master may come) lest if he come suddenly, he tke vs asleepe.§. 12. A fourth Reason may be taken from theReason 4. danger of relapse: Ioan. 5 24.Goe thy way (saith our Sauiour to the Criple he had cured) and sinne no more; lest a worse matter befall thee. As we stand continually in no small danger of relapse, partly through the drowsinesse of our owne disposition, and partly through the diligence of our Aduersary the De∣uill, (as before we haue shewed:) so is there Igens periculū ad deterior rede∣di. Sen. epist. 72. no small danger in relapse, and in relinquishing this our spirituall watch: which if euer therefore wee giue ouer and fall from, it shall not be barely all one to vs, as if we had euer lien still asleepe, but it shall be farre worse with vs, then if wee had neuer beene awaked.For as it is in the diseases of the body; so it is likewise in the sicknesse of the soule. As Grauius agrtat ij, qui cùm luari morbo videntur, in cum de integro in∣iderunt. Cic. fam. ep. 30. lib. 12. in bodily sicknesse the relapse vsually is worse and more dangerous, more incurable and irrecouerable then the disease it selfe was at first: so it falleth out com∣monly, yea so it is eue▪ ordinarily in this spirituall Lethargie, that the relapse proueth more desperat then the disease was in it selfe. 2 Pet. 2. 20, 21, 22.For if men (saith the Apostle) hauing escaped these worldly the acknowledgement of Christ (or the profession of Christianity) come after to be entangled and againe0