A good vvife Gods gift and, a vvife indeed. Tvvo mariage sermons. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.

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A good vvife Gods gift and, a vvife indeed. Tvvo mariage sermons. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
London :: Printed by Iohn Hauiland for Fulke Clifton,

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"A good vvife Gods gift and, a vvife indeed. Tvvo mariage sermons. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A01534.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 13, 2024.


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A Wife in Deed.

PROV. 18. 22.
He that findeth a Wife, findeth Good; and ob∣taineth Fauour of God.

THis Booke of the Prouerbs is the * 1.1 Christian Mans Ethicks: And it hath this preeminence aboue most, if not all, the Bookes in the Bible; that many of them are Sententious, a 1.2 this consisteth all of Sentences. For what are Diuine Prouerbs, but b 1.3 select and choise Sentences. So that we need not stand pick∣ing or culling here: As hee said of Cyrus his Court, (and I wish might be said of ours) c 1.4 though a man should seeke or chuse blindfold, hee could not misse of a good man; though wee goe here at aduenture, wee cannot doe amisse, wee are sure to meet with some choise matter or other. It is the manner of the Lear∣ned in reading of Authors, to set d 1.5 marks in the mar∣gine,

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vpon such passages as are most remarkable. But there is Gods owne Marke set vpon euerie Sen∣tence in this Booke, not by Salomon onely, but by the Spirit of God himselfe.

Among the rest of these select Sentences, there are some, and those not a few, that containe matter * 1.6 concerning Mariage, either the Praise and commen∣dation of a good Wife, or the dispraise, discommen∣dation, yea and detestation of a bad.

The Sentence contained in my Text, is concer∣ning the former, though not wholly without some * 1.7 secret intimation of the latter; as in the opening of it shall appeare.

And in it we may obserue these Particulars; * 1.8

  • 1. The partie commended; a Wife:
  • 2. The commendation giuen her; Good:
  • 3. The meanes of compassing her, by seeking, implied in the word, Findeth:
  • 4. The principall Doner or Giuer of her; God:
  • 5. The nature and qualitie of the gift; a Fauour.

For the first of them: A Wife? may some say, What? Is euerie Wife, or euerie woman then such as * 1.9 Salomon here saith? yea, doth not the same Salomon himselfe elsewhere say, that some Wife there is, e 1.10 that pulleth downe the house? that is, not as a corro∣siue at her Husbands sides, but f 1.11 as corruption in his bones? or g 1.12 like a continuall dropping in a rainie day, that maketh a man wearie of his home, and either driueth him out of doores, or will not suffer him to rest within? And that h 1.13 it is better for a man to dwell on the house top, exposed to wind and wea∣ther; or i 1.14 to liue in the wildernesse k 1.15 among wilde

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beasts, than to keepe house with such an one.

To this there are diuers answers giuen. * 1.16

For first some say, that l 1.17 a Wife so long as she conti∣nueth a Wife; that is, so long as she is not disloyall, but is honest, as we say, of her bodie, though shee bee neuer so contentious, vnquiet, or inconuenient o∣therwise, is to be esteemed as a Benefit. As m 1.18 a bad Magistrate, say they, is yet better than none: (n 1.19 Bet∣ter a Tyranie, than an Anarchie:) so a bad Wife is yet better than none at all.

But this seemeth scarce sound.

For first, it were but a verie sorrie commendation of a Wife, to say, Better such an one than none at all. o 1.20 What manner of good call you that, saith Ierome, and before him p 1.21 Tertullian, that is not deemed or ter∣med good, but in comparison of some greater euill? That is not good, to speake properly, but q 1.22 lesse euill onely.

Againe, when Salomon saith, that r 1.23 it is better to liue on the house-top, or abroad s 1.24 in the wilde wilder∣nesse, than with such an one, hee plainely implieth, that (as t 1.25 Sophocles saith of some friends) it is much better to be without her than with her; to liue soli∣tarie, than to liue with such.

Secondly, the answer of some others is, that u 1.26 Sa∣lomon speaketh this in regard of the end for which the

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woman was made, and for which God gaue her, which was z 1.27 for mans good.

But neither doth this satisfie.

For first, Salomon seemeth to speake here rather of the fruit and benefit that commeth by a Wife, where she is such as she should be, than of the bare end for which she was made, or is giuen: And greater is * 1.28 the euill, if being made and giuen for such an end, she proue contrarie thereunto.

Againe, howsoeuer cc 1.29 the Woman was at first made for mans good: Yet is not euerie Wife giuen of God for good, but some, as Salomon saith, † 1.30 of worldly wealth, * 1.31 for the euill of him that is to haue her: as x 1.32 Saul sometime gaue Micol his Daughter to Dauid, that shee might bee a snare to him. As Rulers are some∣time giuen in wrath: y 1.33 I gaue them, saith God, a King in my wrath: so are Wiues also sometimes giuen not in mercie, but in wrath. z 1.34 The Sinner, saith Salomon, and he that God is angrie with, shall light vpon such.

Thirdly, others answer, (and their answer is more probable) that it is a 1.35 a Synecdoche, a putting of the generall for the speciall; or b 1.36 an Ellipsis, a defectiue speech; that there wanteth the word good: as c 1.37 wooll, for white wooll; and d 1.38 a Male for a sound Mle: so e 1.39 a Wife for a good Wife; which the vulgar Latine therefore hath put into f 1.40 the Txt.

This may well seeme somewhat: but yet this is not all: there seemeth somewhat yet more in it than so.

A Wife, saith Salomon; or, g 1.41 a Woman: I need say no more; h 1.42 as if an euill Wife were not a Wife, an euill Woman were no Wife. As in the Iewish Tal∣mud,

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an vngracious Sonn is called i 1.43 a Sonne no Sonne; and in Scripture, a foolish People is called k 1.44 a People no People. And in the Greeke Riddle, * 1.45 an Eunuch, a Man no Man; and the Bt, or the Flitter-mouse, a Bird no Bird: and the Ferula, or Giant Fennell, a tree no tree; and the Pmice, a stone no stone: So a bad Wife in Salomons reckoning, a Wife no Wife.

It is like that of S. Iohn: l 1.46 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his Commandements, lieth. But what then? Doth euerie one that knoweth God, keepe his Commandements? Doth not S. Paul say of some, that m 1.47 when they know God, they glorified him not as God? yea, but n 1.48 suh knowledge, in S. Iohns account, is as no knowledge: it is at least o 1.49 as good as none. So, p 1.50 Execute iudgement, saith God; and hee saith not, right iudgement; because q 1.51 Wrong iudgement is no iudgement, but mis iudgement, saith Augustine. And r 1.52 a Name, saith Salomon, (and hee saith not, a good Name; as if an euill Name were no Name) is s 1.53 better than riches; or t 1.54 than a good ointment. And those re∣bellious builders of the Tower of Babel; u 1.55 Let vs get vs a Name: and those great ones before the Floud, x 1.56 Men of Name, or renow•…•…. And on the contrarie, we say of some, that they are y 1.57 Men of no note, or no Name; that is, z 1.58 of no great note, of no good Name; as it other than such were none. And in like sort here Salomon, He that findeth a Wife, meaning onely a good Wife; as if none but such deserued that Name.

So that the Point of Instruction which wee ob∣serue hence is this, that

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She that is not a good Wife is as good as no Wife.

a 1.59 I count that no Dowrie, saith one that is com∣monly * 1.60 so called; b 1.61 nor doth the Spirit of God count her a Wife, though she be vsually so recko∣ned; where pietie, honesty, sobriety, modesty, and wisdome are wanting. c 1.62 A bad Wife is as no Wife in Gods account.

And that not without good Cause.

For she is but a Shadow without Substance; shee hath d 1.63 a Title without Truth: She beareth the Name; but doth not the Worke of a Wife. For what is a Wife, but e 1.64 a Woman giuen to Man to be an Helpe and a Comfort to him? But as f 1.65 the Father of a foole shall haue no ioy of him: So the Husband of a bad or a foolish Wo∣man, is like to haue little ioy, or helpe, or comfort of her. And how is she a Comforter, that yeeldeth no comfort? How an Helper, that affordeth no helpe? They are g 1.66 Friends in Name, saith one, but not in deede, that sticke not by a man, but faile him, when he standeth in neede of them: So is she h 1.67 a Wife in Name, but not in Deed, that affordeth not her Hus∣band that Helpe and Comfort that a Wife ought, and that at first she was intended for.

The Prophet stileth some i 1.68 Pastors, Idol-Shepherds. And why so? Surely, because they are as Images or Idols, that k 1.69 beare the Names, but haue not the Nature of that whereof they are Images; l 1.70 they are

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not in truth that that they are termed: m 1.71 they haue mouths, and speake not; eies, and see not; eares, and heare not; hands, and feele not; feet, and walke not: they haue the limmes and lineaments of a Man, but without motion and action: And so those; n 1.72 they are called Seers; but they see not; and Watchmen, but they watch not: o 1.73 they beare the Name of Fee∣ders; but they feed not; they haue the Titles of Tea∣chers and Preachers indeed; but they neither preach, nor teach at all. In like manner well may shee bee tearmed an Idol-wife that beareth the Name of a Wife, and sitteth in the house as p 1.74 the Image of a Wife, but doth no part of the office or duty of such an one. Surely, as St. Iames saith, that r 1.75 Faith without Fruits is liuelesse and dead, as s 1.76 a Body with∣out Breath: such Faith is t 1.77 no Faith indeed, but a meere u 1.78 Carcasse of Faith: So a Wife without Works, shee that beareth a Wiues Name, but doth not a Wiues worke, is no Wife indeed, but a liuelesse Image of a Wife, or (as x 1.79 Lamechs second Wiues Name im∣porteth) y 1.80 a shadow onely of such an one.

And if she be so that performeth not the Office of a Wife; what is she then that doth the contrary? Who when she should be a 1.81 an Helper, prooueth b 1.82 an Hinderer; in the best things especially: like c 1.83 the Friend, that prooueth a Foe, when he should shew himselfe a Friend? when she should be a com∣sort,

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proueth a crosse, a curse, a discomfort? Shee that was made and ordained d 1.84 for Mans special good, e 1.85 crossing the end of her owne Creation, and Gods Ordinance therein, proueth the meanes of his grea∣test euill? Like the Scribes and Pharises, that f 1.86 sat in Moses Chaire, professing themselues and pretending to be g 1.87 Pastors of Gods People; but, as our Sauiour telleth them, were indeed h 1.88 Theeues, and Robbers, and i 1.89 Murtherers of them, k 1.90 Wolues either l 1.91 in Shep∣herds weeds, or m 1.92 in Sheeps clothing, such as not only fed not, but n 1.93 killed and destroyed those, o 1.94 whom they ought to haue fed and saued. And certainly the good Wife is not so great a Blessing, but the bad is as great a Crosse. p 1.95 No greater Comfort vnder the Sunne than the one, q 1.96 nor discomfort than the other.

Againe, A Wife is as r 1.97 a part, or a limbe of her hus∣band. As Children are said to be s 1.98 part of their Pa∣rents; because they haue their being originally from them: So the Woman may well bee said to bee a part or limbe of Man, because shee had her be∣ginning and her being originally from him. For t 1.99 The Woman is of the Man, saith the Apostle; and

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not the Man of the Woman: as Children are of their Parents, and not their Parents of them. The u 1.100 Wo∣man was made of the Mans rib. She was at first x 1.101 ta∣ken out of man; and is therefore by Creation as a limbe reast from him. And the was afterward ioyned againe in Mariage with Man, that by Nuptiall coniun∣ction becomming z 1.102 one flesh with him, she might be as a limbe restored now and * 1.103 fastned againe to him.

Euerie Wife should bee then as a part of her Hus∣band; as a limme of him that hath her. But the Wo∣man that beareth the Name, and standeth in the roome of a Wife, but doth not the office and dutie of a Wife, is but as a 1.104 an eye of glasse, or a siluer nose, or an iorie tooth, or b 1.105 an iron hand, or c 1.106 a woodden leg, that oc∣cupieth the place indeed, and beareth the Name of a limbe or a member, but is not truly or properly any part of that bodie whereunto it is fastned; it is but d 1.107 equiuocally so called.

Yea, those artificiali and equiuoca•••• imbs, though they bee not properly parts, nor stand the bodie in much stead: yet are they rather helpfull, than hurt∣full or harmfull any way to it; they helpe to supply a place defectiue, that would otherwise stand vacant, and by supplying it, to conceale in part such e 1.108 ble∣mishes, as would otherwise lie more open to the eye of others.

But with a bad Wife, an vndiscreet woman, it is far worse. Shee not onely standeth her Husband in no stead, but thee is f 1.109 a sore burden, and a foule blemish,

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and not an eye sore onely, but euen an heart-sore to him that hath her. g 1.110 She h 1.111 shameth him, saith Salo∣mo, and is i 1.112 as rottennesse in his bones. And she may therefore be compared rather to k 1.113 a wart, or a wen, and that sited and seated in some conspicuous part; (for l 1.114 she is as ointment in ones hand that cannot bee concealed) which as it is no benefit, so it is a burden and a blemish to the bodie; or to a wolfe, or a cancer, that m 1.115 consumeth the flesh, wasteth the vitall parts, and eateth euen to the verie heart. For n 1.116 no sorer vlcer than a bad friend, in Sophocles his iudgement; than a bad wife, in Salomons account.

Well saith o 1.117 Augustine of vngodly and bad-liued Christians, that p 1.118 though they bee in the bodie of the Church, yet are they no part of it: they are but as ex∣crescencies, or as excrements, or q 1.119 as bad humours in mans bodie: the Bodie is but the worse for them; and r 1.120 were better without them. And the like may be said of such Wiues as these are. The one are in the House, as the other are in the Church: (Such s 1.121 a Wife in the house, as a worme in wood, saith Ierome:) wasters and consumers both of the Husband and of it. And if the Wife be one, as Salomon telleth vs, that helpeth to t 1.122 build vp the house: surely shee that hel∣peth to pull downe that that the Wife buildeth, may well bee uled, u 1.123 a foolish woman, if you will, but no Wife.

Augustus Caesar vsed to terme his three vntoward

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Children, his x 1.124 three materie impostumes, or his three vlcerous cancers. And if foolish and vngracious children may well be so termed, as y 1.125 being no better to those that breed them: much more may a per∣uerse Wife, being no better euen in z 1.126 Salomons iudge∣ment than either of those to him that hath her; the rather since that as shee came from a part neerer the heart than they, so her peruersenesse may well goe neerer the heart with him, than their vntowardnesse with them.

As well therefore may a wart, or a wen, or a wolfe, or a cancer bee termed a part of the bodie, as that wo∣man be termed a Wife, that is but a blemish, as a wart; or a burden, as a wen; or a continuall heart-sore, as a wolfe; or corruption and rottennesse, as a cancer or a gangreane, in the bones of him that hath her. And no maruell then, if a bad Wife bee not accounted with God as a Wife, when shee is (not onely as good as, but) farre worse than no Wife; when it is so much better to be without her, than with her.

Now this Point then may serue,

First for Examination for women hereby to exa∣mine * 1.127 themselues, whether they be Wiues or no.

But, What needs that? may some say. Tis well * 1.128 enough knowne already, that wee are wiues and maried women. We were contracted before companie; and ma∣ried openly in the face of the Congregation, all ceremo∣nies and circumstances obserued that could bee required, or are vsuall in such cases. And the Church booke where we were maried, will testifie as much.

I answer. All this may bee, and yet thou no Wife * 1.129 for all that. A maried woman thou mayst be, and yet

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no Wife. For, though thou wert contracted a 1.130 before a thousand Witnesses; and married publikely in the frequentest and most solemne assembly, not by the hand of an ordinarie Minister, but of a Bishop or an Archbishop, no rite or Ceremony omitted, either the Wedding Ring, (that Tertullian b 1.131 more than once mentioneth, and c 1.132 freeth from taint of Superstiti∣on) or any other: Yet art thou no Wife, if thou doest not the dutie of a Wife; if thine Husband haue not that good of thee that Gods Spirit here speaketh of.

Let me shew it thee by the like.

The Iewes were all circumcised; and yet God saith by Ieremie that d 1.133 he will visit all those that are vn∣circumcised, and e 1.134 the Iewes among the rest. Why? might some men say; were not the Iewes circumci∣sed then? No; saith the Prophet; f 1.135 Those other Nations are vncircumcised in the Flesh; and you Iewes, though circumcised in the Flesh, yet are vncircumci∣sed in spirit. And g 1.136 that outward Circumcision of the Flesh, saith Saint Paul, it is nothing, without the in∣ward Circumcision of the Spirit. And, h 1.137 Circum∣cision is accounted no other than Vncircumcision, if a man be not a keeper of the Law. Or, to come neerer home: i 1.138 Baptisme saueth; saith Saint Peter. But what then? might some thinke: Are all that are bap∣tised sure to be saued? yea vndoubtedly, k 1.139 all that are effectually baptised: But the Baptisme that I speake of, saith the Apostle, is l 1.140 not the putting away of the filth of the Bodie, but m 1.141 the purging and clensing of

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the Soule. As a man then, though he haue beene dipt ouer head and eares in the Font, may yet in Gods rec∣koning remaine still vnbaptised, euen n 1.142 as much as any Infidell, Heathen or Pagan, that was neuer offered vnto Baptisme; In like manner may a Woman be ioyned to an Husband, yea and liue long with him as a Wife, and yet for all that be in Gods estimation as no Wife.

But how may a Woman know then whether shee * 1.143 be a Wife or no?

I answer: Reade ouer the Rules that o 1.144 S. Paul * 1.145 and p 1.146 S. Peter prescribe Maried Women; and exa∣mine thy selfe by them. Reade ouer q 1.147 the Descrip∣tion that Salomons Mother maketh of a good Wife; and compare thy selfe with it. There is set downe a Paterne and a Precedent for thee. There is r 1.148 a Looking Glasse for thee (as S. Iames speaketh of Gods Word in generall) to see thy selfe in, and to shew thee what thou art. And it were to be wisht that as s 1.149 the Philo∣sopher willed his followers to view themselues oft in a glasse, that if they found themselues faire and come∣ly, they might be carefull to haue their cariage and courses correspondent, if otherwise, they might striue by morall abilities to make amends for and re∣compence what were wanting that way: so that euery Maried Woman did, if not once a day, or once

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a weeke, yet once a month at least seriously looke her selfe in this Glasse. Which it is to be feared that too many are theresore very loth to looke into, be∣cause they know how they shall finde themselues there before-hand: And as t 1.150 that old withered Har∣lot therefore cast away her looking Glasse, because she could not therein see her selfe such as she would; so they shunne this Glasse, not affecting it, because they cannot see themselues therein such as they should. But u 1.151 let vs set the Glasse before them that they may looke on it, and view themselues in it if they will: which if it shall shew them themselues farre other than they would seeme to be, it is not the fault of the Glasse, but their owne; let them blame them∣selues, and not it.

A Wife then, say those Apostles, is one, that is a 1.152 subiect and obedient to her Husband, as her Head.

But many by this Rule, will hardly proue Wiues; being b 1.153 Mistresses (as Ierome speaketh) rather than Wiues, to those that haue them, or rather c 1.154 whom

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they haue; d 1.155 being maried rather to them, then hauing maried them, as he speaketh. So that their Husbands (if they may so be termed that are so mated) may say, that e 1.156 when they receiued their Wiues 〈◊〉〈◊〉, (if they ad ought at least with them; for euen f 1.157 those that bring nothing oft are as 〈◊〉〈◊〉 in this kinde, as those that bring most) ther sold away their owne libertie, and tooke in g 1.158 a M•…•…e in •…•…d of a Wife; as the Cynickes Master d•••• h 1.159 a Ma•…•…r in stead of a Seruant; and Nazianzen saih that i 1.160 some Wiues doe in stead of an Husband: One that will k 1.161 rule and ouer-rule them, as he said that l 1.162 Queenes, or m 1.163 Queanes rather n 1.164 of 〈◊〉〈◊〉 condition, their Concubines did Kings; and of the Persian Monarks, when that State most flourished, it was a common by-word, that o 1.165 ther were Ma••••ers of the whole world, and their wiues their Ma•…•…, not vnlike Cato his complaint also sometime of his Countrien;

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p 1.166 All Men rule their Wiues, we rule all Men; and our Wiues rule vs; One that will guide and gouerne him that should be q 1.167 her Guide, yea and, it may be, com∣mand him r 1.168 more imperiously than many a Master would his Slaue. They are s 1.169 no Men, saith one, but Bond-men to their Wiues, or t 1.170 to their Portions at least, that endure it. And they are no Wiues sure, but Mistresses, or more than Mistresses, that offer it.

Againe, she is a Wife, as u 1.171 Salomons Mother de∣scribeth her, that is not a good Houswife onely in the House, but a good Wife also to her Husband; that x 1.172 doth him good all his daies, all the daies, at least, that she liueth with him.

Shee is a Wife then indeed, and none but shee, in whom these two concurre, that shee is both a good Hous-wife, and a good Wife too to him that hath her. But how many Maried women are there, in whom neither of these are? how many in whom they meet not? How many are there not Hous-wiues, but y 1.173 Drones rather? liuing wholly on the sweat of their Husbands browes, as the Drone doth on the honey that the Bee maketh and bringeth in? How many though not Drones, yet Droiles rather than Wiues? that will toile and moile indeed about the house, as we say, like horses; but are withall z 1.174 of so crooked and crabbed a nature, of so currish, vnquiet, and contentious a disposition, that their Husbands can

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haue no ioy, nor comfort at all of them: there can be no comfortable cohabitation or conuersing with them.

There may be good cause therefore euen for mar∣ried Women to examine themselues whether they be Wiues or no: since that if they answer not that, which Gods word and will, yea which the very Name giuen them, requireth of them, they are as no Wiues in Gods account.

But here a Question or two would be answered. * 1.175

For first, may some say: If such a Wife be no Wife, may a Man then lawfully put away such a Wife?

I answer; No: As the Rabbines speake, a 1.176 The * 1.177 bone thou must gnaw, that is fallen to thy Lot. There is b 1.178 a knot of God betweene you, that cannot be vn∣knit. c 1.179 God hath ioyned her vnto thee either in mer∣cie, or in wrath; to be, as he saith of Rulers, d 1.180 ei∣ther a Nurse to thee, or a Scourge. And e 1.181 Those that God hath ioyned together, Man may not seuer.

Yea but, may not a Man forbeare to doe the Du∣tie * 1.182 of an Husband to such an one? For f 1.183 why should I, will some say, be an Husband to her, if shee be not a Wife to me?

I answer; No: g 1.184 Thou owest it to God. And it is not default of dutie on her part, that can discharge thee of thy debt to him. As Basil saith of Rulers, h 1.185 We must obey, the good as God, the bad for God. And

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S. Peter of Masters, that i 1.186 Seruants must for k 1.187 con∣science sake be subiect to the froward as well as the cour∣teous. So must thou doe the dutie of an Husband as well to a bad as to a good Wife, for conscience of Gods command. Doe thou thy dutie for God, and thou shalt haue thy reward from God. As our Sauiour saith l 1.188 of those that relieue the poore, though they cannot re∣quite them, yet God will reward them; so though she doe not with kindnesse answer thee, God will requite thee, in the Resurrection of the Righteous.

And so much briefly for Answer to those two Questions.

Secondly, this Point may serue as for Examina∣tion, so for Premonition, to those that are to enter in∣to * 1.189 this estate, that they consider seriously before∣hand, what they vndertake, that they weigh well what they goe about: Not thinke as many doe, that they marrie for their ease, or they marrie to be maintai∣ned; to be maintained in sloth and idlenesse, or in vanitie and pride: like those, who, as Bernard spea∣keth, m 1.190 thinke to liue without Care, when they haue gotten a charge or a cure.. No: thou mariest to be a Wife; and that is not n 1.191 a naked Name, or a bare title; it is the Name of an Office, that hath many Duties an∣nexed to it. o 1.192 It is not good for man to be alone, saith God; I will make him an Helpe. He doth not say, I will make him a wife: or, I will make him a woman, that may be an Helpe to him: though hee meant so to doe: but, I will make him an Helpe. So that A wife is a Woman ioyned to Man to be an Helpe to him: And for a Woman to be a Wife, is to be an Help to her Hus∣band. But wherein to be an Helpe? p 1.193 Let the youn∣ger

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Women, saith the Apostle, marrie, q 1.194 breed, (that is, beare, and bring vp) children, and gouerne the fa∣milie. That is the end of their Mariage: and to doe that, is to be a Wife. And that therefore must euerie woman that intendeth to marrie, fore-thinke of, re∣solue on, and make account of before hand, if euer she meane to be a Wife.

r 1.195 Mariage is honourable, as the Apostle saith: And the Name of a Wife is an honourable Title. We are wont to giue them place before those that bee yet vnmaried, vnlesse they be farre vnequall other∣wise. But s 1.196 euerie dignitie hath some dutie annexed vnto it. And t 1.197 it is not equall that those that refuse the one, should expect euer to enioy the other. Yea, the greater the honour is, the greater is the dishonour, if the dutie be not done that that honour exacteth.

Thirdly, it may serue, as for Premonition, so for Ad∣monition; for premonition to those that intend or desire to enter, for admonition to those that are en∣tred already. Art thou a maried woman then? As Ie∣rom saith to the Monk; u 1.198 Read what thou art here called, and be that that thou art stilēd. Thou art stiled a Wife. But thou art no wife, if thou doest not a Wiues worke: no more than x 1.199 the Shepherd is a Shepherd if he feed not his flocke. Consider therefore well what the dutie of a Wife is, that thou mayest indeed faithfully and conscionably performe it; that thou mayest make good what in that Name is required of thee. Else as one saith well, that y 1.200 the verie title of godli∣nesse

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maketh the vngodly man guiltie: so z 1.201 the verie Title that thou art called by, will one day condemne thee. And it had better for thee neuer to haue taken that Name on thee, if thou doest not that that the Name importeth. For as it were no sinne for a man not to feed a Flocke, if a 1.202 he did not beare the Name, and take vp the place of a Pastor, if he were not called so to doe: So it were no sinne for a Woman, not to bee in this manner an Helper to Man, if shee did not beare the Name, and supply the place of a Wife, if she were not called to be such an one.

And this is a great fault, with much griefe to bee spoken of, among many Professors, that they seeme verie carefull of the obseruance of the generall duties of Christianitie; but are too too carelesse of perfor∣mance of the speciall duties of their particular states and places: Forward Christians (to see to) in the ge∣nerall; but failing fouly and fearefully, when it commeth to the particular; carelesse housholders, (and you know what b 1.203 the Apostle saith of such;) sond Parents; negligent and vndutifull seruants; no good Husband to Wife; no good Wife to Husband: like a blinde Eye in the bodie, that hath sense and mo∣tion, the generall faculties, common to it with the other parts, but wanteth sight, that is c 1.204 the proper function and office of it: or a lame hand, that is as sensible, yea more sensible it may be than any other

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part of the bodie, but either cannot, or doth not any worke. That which bringeth a foule scandall oft vpon Christian profession; when wee shall heare, as many complaine, that they haue found more faith∣full and diligent seruice in such seruants as haue gi∣uen little shew of sauing or sanctifying grace, than in such as haue made great profession of pietie; so others againe, that more louing and kinde cariage, and more dutifull demeanour towards their Hus∣bands, is found in diuers women, though well na∣tured, yet not religiously nurtured, than in many that would seeme to haue made great progresse in pietie: when many meere ciuill persons liue more lo∣uingly, more comfortably, more contentedly toge∣ther, than not a few of those doe, (wheresoeuer the fault be, sometime in the one partie, and sometime in both,) that are otherwise verie forward and eager professors. As d 1.205 if Nature were able to doe more than Grace could doe: or as if true pietie and godli∣nesse did not exact of Men and Women, a diligent, carefull, and conscionable performance of good Duties, e 1.206 as well in the one kinde as in the other.

Fourthly, it may serue for Information, to informe vs how God esteemeth of such as are faultie or defe∣ctiue this way. Art thou a Wife; but not a good Wife? God esteemeth thee as no Wise; yea, as no Woman; for f 1.207 the same word signifieth either.

g 1.208 Search, saith God to Ieremie, all Ierusalem tho∣row, if thou canst finde a Man; or if there be any one that dealeth vprightly: as if the rest, those that were not such, or did not so, were no Men. As h 1.209 the Cy∣ick sometime said, that there was a great throng of

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folke where he had beene at a solemne meeting, but few Men; and hauing called Men to come to him, when many came flocking about him, hee beat them away, and said, i 1.210 he called Men, and not them; there∣by implying that they were not such Men as hee meant. And surely, as such Men were no Men in his account: yea, bad Men are in truth no Men, how so∣euer they seeme to be such: k 1.211 You are much mistaken, saith he, if you take them all for Men that you meet with. They are Men in shape, but beasts in minde; l 1.212 Men out∣wardly, m 1.213 Beasts, if not n 1.214 worse than beasts, inwardly. o 1.215 All the difference, saith one, is, that the one goeth vp∣right, (and yet p 1.216 some will hardly grant that too) whereas the other groueleth vpon the ground. So bad Wiues are no Wiues in Gods account, nay, nor Wo∣men; but wilde beasts, as q 1.217 the Cynick sometime spake, in the likenesse of Women; yea worse rather than such, as Salomon also plainely implieth, when he saith, that r 1.218 it is better to abide with wilde beasts in

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the wildernes, than to be tied to keep house with such.

And the like may and must bee said of the other partie. As the Wie is no Wife, i shee bee not a Good Wife: so is the Husband no Husband, if hee bee not a good Husband. He is s 1.219 no man, but a beast, saith Chryso∣stome; a wilde beast rather than an Husband, that is not kinde and courteous, that i has and currish to his wife. He is no husband, if he do not the duty of an hus∣band; as she is no wife, if she do not the worke of a wife.

And t 1.220 where both parties are herein faultie, and u 1.221 rather bide than liue vnquietly together, we may well say of them, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 we vse to say, that they liue to∣gether, as Dog and Cat; not as Man and Wife, but as bruit beasts, or not so well rather, as euen * 1.222 wilde beasts are wont to doe. They are no better at all in Gods sight than such: and they must looke one day to answer, not onely for the wrong that they doe either to other, but for the wrong also that they doe vnto God and his ordinance, by bringing through their fault a foule imputation vpon it.

Fiftly, this may serue for a Caueat to such as are yet to chuse. Doest thou want a Wife, and wouldest haue one? Make enquirie for a good Wife; else thou wert better haue no Wife; better without her, if she be a bad one, than with her.

Oh could I but get x 1.223 a rich Wife, a wealthie one,

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saith one; I were well, I were made for euer. And, Let mee haue y 1.224 a faire one, saith another, and I care for no more. z 1.225 Giue me the woman, saith Sampson, for she pleaseth mine eye. But as that worthie Grecian once said, that hee would rather haue for his Daughter, a 1.226 a Man without money, than money without a Man: So better were it for thee to haue a wife without b 1.227 wealth or c 1.228 beautie, than to haue wealth or beautie without a wife; and so d 1.229 bee as farre from hauing the comfort of a Wife, as if thou hadst no Wife at all. e 1.230 A man, saith one, may haue many Friends (f 1.231 such as we com∣monly call friends) and yet among his many friends, hee may finde little friendship. And so may a man haue many a Wife, such as vsually beare the name of Wiues, and yet finde little enough of that good in any of them, that Salomon here intimateth to bee in a Wife.

If thou wouldest haue a Wife then, g 1.232 seeke thee a good Wife; seeke thee a fit Wife. For if shee be not a good Wife, and a fit Wife; (and she is no good ••••fe for thee, if she be not fit for thee;) thou shalt haue no

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Wife of her. As a learned man said sometime of Rome hauing beene somewhile there, that a man might h 1.233 Seeke Rome in Rome, and yet not finde her there; Rome was so much altred from that that it had beene: And the Orator of Sicilie, after Verres had gouerned there, that men i 1.234 sought Sicilie in Sicilie, it was by him so impouerished: And a Reuerend Pre∣late of ours, of Bellarmines latter works, that many k 1.235 missed Bellarmine in Bellarmine; they were so much vnlike to, and came so far short of his former. So mayest thou finde much want, and misse of a wife in a wife, if thou makest thy choise amisse. And so consequently doe thy selfe exceeding great wrong, embracing, with l 1.236 Ixion, a cloud in stead of Iuno, or m 1.237 with Paris, n 1.238 a shadow without substance, a sorrie helpe, o 1.239 a cold comfort, a wife, and yet no wife, in re∣gard of any ioy or comfort in her, in regard of any helpe or furtherance from her. And were it not much better for one to be altogether without? For what can be more miserable than to haue a Wife, as p 1.240 couetous wretches haue wealth; to haue the bur∣den of a Wife, and to want the benefit of her, to haue the care, and not the comfort? whereas the man that liueth single, as hee misseth of the one, so hee is yet withall freed from, and eased of the other.

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Lastly, Is such a Wife in Gods account as no Wife? Let such then neuer looke for respect or regard with * 1.241 God, for any recompence or reward from God. If thou dost not a Wiues worke, neuer looke for a Wiues wages, neuer looke for a Wiues reward. There is no Christian Seruant, that serueth his master faithfully and conscionably, but q 1.242 he shall for the same from God receiue a royall reward. And much more the Christian Wife, that doth carefully her dutie to him, whom God hath ioyned her vnto. Such as they be r 1.243 Daughters of faithfull Sara; so they shall haue their part and portion with her. But for the rest, since s 1.244 they refuse to doe the work, they haue no rea∣son to expect or looke for the wages. Their wils they may haue with their Husbands while they liue here; but they are neuer like to haue any reward at Gods hands. How can they hope that he should reward them as Wiues, who reputeth them as no Wiues? yea t 1.245 worse therefore than no Wiues, because they ought to haue beene Wiues, and did beare the Name of such.

In a word; wouldst thou be a Wife in Gods account? Thou must then be a Wife not in Name, but in Deed. For, u 1.246 He is not a Iew, saith the Apostle, that is a Iew outwardly: x 1.247 Nor is that Circumcision, that is out∣ward in the Flesh. But he is a Iew, that is a Iew with∣in: and that Circumcision that is in the heart and the Spirit is the Circumcision, whose praise is not of Man, but of God. So shee is not a Wife, that is, a Wife is Name; but she is a Wife, that is, a Wife in Deed: She

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is that Wife, y 1.248 whose praise and reward is both of Man and God; or if not of Man, yet doubtlesse of God: From whom, as shee doth the worke of a Wife, so shee is sure to receiue the reward of a wife, though Man should not yeeld it.

And so passe we on to the second Point; from the * 1.249 Partie Cōmended, to the Cōmendation here giuen her.

A Wife then (such an one as deserueth the Name * 1.250 of a Wife, as is a Wife not in Name only, but in Deed, not in Title barely, but in Truth) is a 1.251 an exceeding great Benefit, a meanes of much good to him that hath her: He that findeth a Wife, findeth Good, saith Salo∣mon. Good; that is, much good, exceeding great good: (For it is spoken b 1.252 by way of excellency or eminency;) as if hee could not well tell how to expresse how much good might by her accrue to the Husband of such an one. And, c 1.253 Shee will doe him good, saith Salomons Mother, and no euill, so long as euer they shall liue together. * 1.254 An whole treasurie of good there is in a good Wife.

To point onely at some generall Heads of this Good, that such a Wife bringeth with her. For the Time will not suffer me to insist long on ought.

First, for Societie: d 1.255 Man naturally affecteth com∣pany * 1.256 and Societie; and e 1.257 shunneth Solitude. f 1.258 Societie is the very Soule and Life of Mans Life. g 1.259 There is

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no comfortable fruition, or delightfull possession of ought without it. But h 1.260 Solitude is vncomfortable: p 1.261 There is no warmth in it, saith Salomon.

k 1.262 It is not good, saith God himselfe, for Man to be alone. For some other Creatures it may be; but for him it is not, being l 1.263 of a sociable Nature, as m 1.264 ma∣ny of them are not: And yet euen those also, though waiuing others, yet n 1.265 admit and affect some kinde of Societie, as that by name that wee now entreat of.

o 1.266 Two therefore, saith Salomon, are better then One: in mankind especially naturally so made. And A∣dam in Paradise, though he were truly happie, yet was he not fully Happie: his Happinesse was not compleat; he was nothing so well yet as he might be, while he was yet without a Mate. Yea p 1.267 the Heathen man thought that though a Man were in Heauen, hee would haue little ioy or comfort, the lesse at least, of his being there, vnlesse he had some there like him∣selfe to conuerse with.

There is q 1.268 much want of comfort then in Solitude; much Comfort in Societie. But r 1.269 there is no Socie∣tie more neere, more entire, s 1.270 more needfull, more kindly, more delightfull, more comfortable, more constant, more continuall, than the Societie of Man

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and Wife; the maine t 1.271 Root, Source and Originall of all other Societies: u 1.272 Which of all others therefore Man is naturally most enclined vnto: And without which therefore euen the Heathen held x 1.273 the House and Family halfe vnfurnished and vnfinished; and y 1.274 not fully happie, but halfe happie, though otherwise neuer so happie, till therewith it became compleat.

Secondly for Assistance. a 1.275 It is not good, saith God, for Man to be alone: I will make him an Helpe, or an Assistant; not a Mate only, but an Helpe; not a Companion only, but an Assistant too. b 1.276 Man being a Creature of the kinde, not of those that loue only to flocke, and feed, and bide, and liue together, as Dawes and Stares doe; but of those that desire to combine, and worke and labour also together, as the Bee and the Pismire; hee stood in need, as of Societie, so of Assistance. c 1.277 God of his good∣nesse therefore prouided such a Mate for him, as might also be d 1.278 an Helpe and an Assistant vnto him. And if Man before his fall in the state of innocencie stood in need of helpe, when his labour was no toile to him, no paine, but a pleasure; then much more since his fall, now that his trauell is become toile∣some vnto him, and the fruit of his sin hath brought so many burdens vpon him, which he was not be∣fore,

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nor euer should haue beene encombred with, had he continued in his first estate.

e 1.279 Much need therefore hath Man of helpe. And, f 1.280 Two therefore, saith Salomon, are better than one: not only because g 1.281 they impart comfort and courage mutually either to other: (for, h 1.282 if two lie together, saith hee, they haue the more warmth:) but because they may helpe and assist either other: for i 1.283 if two goe together, it giueth the more strength: k 1.284 if the one fall, the other may helpe him vp againe: and l 1.285 two may stand, where one may faile; and m 1.286 doing the more worke, they may earne the better wages. Now behold here a fit, and a readie Helpe. A fit Helpe, I say, for Man: For who fitter to helpe Man, than she, whom God himselfe hath fitted for man, and made for this very end to be a fit helpe for him? n 1.287 I will make him such an Helpe, saith God, as shall be o 1.288 meet for him: one that shall be as his match, as p 1.289 his mate; one that being in all parts and abilities in a manner as him∣selfe, shall furnish him with q 1.290 a second selfe, that may better and more fitly steed him, than any other help in some kinde can; that being r 1.291 glewed as it were to him, and so becomming s 1.292 one with him, may make him as two, who before was but one, as t 1.293 seeing, saith the Heathen Man, now with foure eies, working with

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foure hands, walking with 4. feet: whereof u 1.294 the one paire 〈◊〉〈◊〉 watch, while the other (if need be) take rest the one paire may work and walk, if the other aint and file.

Ye an Help, as fit, so reaie at hand at all times, vpon all occasions at all assayes. x 1.295 Friends that dwell a farre off, saith the Greeke Prouerbe, are as good as no Friends: because they are out of the way when a man standeth in need of them, when he hath occa∣sion to make vse of them; so that a man cannot haue their helpe, when he would. But here is y 1.296 an Helpe euer at hand; as readie at all times to attend thee, as the Hand is to helpe the Head, or any other part of the Bodie is to doe seruice vnto it. And certainly z 1.297 as there are offices not a few, that none can in many ca∣ses so fitly performe about a Man, as a Wife may: So there is no helpe that he hath, or ordinarily can haue, so readie at hand at all times as this helpe, because none so continually conuersant with him as Shee.

Thirdly, for Comfort and Solace. Societie is at all times very pleasing and delightfull: But in times of griefe and heauinesse, as the more needfull, so the more gratefull because greater need and vse of com∣fort * 1.298 then. a 1.299 The very •…•…t of a Friend is amiable, and his company acceptable at all times; but b 1.300 ne∣uer more vsefull than in times of crosse and calami∣tie, in times of danger and distresse. c 1.301 The accesse

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of a meere stranger is at such times oft vnwelcome: d 1.302 the presence of a Friend neuer more welcome than then. It putteth heart and courage into a man, when he is readie to sinke downe with despaire: e 1.303 It putteth life into him and reuiueth him, when he is in a manner as a dead man, to see a Friend at hand, one that may either helpe to releeue and release him, or beare part of his burden with him, or f 1.304 comfort and cheere him vp in the bearing of it, yea, or that may but bemoane him, and weepe together with him: For g 1.305 euen that also is no small comfort sometimes.

And of Helpe and Assistance the same may be said. h 1.306 A man hath need of it at all times. Wee are as i 1.307 limbes and members of one Bodie, that haue need one of another, and cannot so well at any time be without either other. But k 1.308 helpe is nothing so needfull when we are free from aduersitie and affli∣ctions. l 1.309 It is neuer more necessarie than in time of trouble and distresse. m 1.310 When a member is euill af∣fected, it hath more need of aid from it fellow-mem∣bers, both to ease it of that labour that it was wont to take, and to procure and apply what may bee needfull for it.

Here is then a third Benefit that a good Wife affor∣deth.

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For n 1.311 who is neerer at hand, or fitter to mi∣nister comfort in such cases, to cheere vp a man in griefe and heauinesse▪ as o 1.312 Dauids Harpe did Saul, * 1.313 to accompanie him, and attend him in sicknesse and weaknesse, as p 1.314 Aish•••• did Dauid; to bee a a Musitian to him in the one, as a Physitian in the o∣ther: as q 1.315 to draw in the same yoke with him, in his labours and trauels, so to beare part of the burden with him in his crosses and troubles, which if r 1.316 all true Christians in generall doe mutually with their Christian bre••••ren, Christian Man and Wife much more.

This vse of a Wife, Paradise was not acquainted withall. s 1.317 There is no Consolation, where there is no desolation; saith Bernard. There is t 1.318 no need of mer∣cie, where there is no mire; nor vse of comfort, where no crosse is. And i in Paradise then, a place all of delight, u 1.319 a garden of pleasure, there was yet need of hepe and societie, and of the helpe and societie of such a one, whom yet there was not then this vse of: How much more then in this world, in this x 1.320 vale of teares, where crosses are so rife, which there were not, and where the more crosses Man is encom∣bred with, and hath to encounter withall, the more need of Comfort and A••••istance he hath?

Fourthly, for I••••ue. a 1.321 Children, saith the Psal∣mist, and the fruit of the wombe, are an Inheritance of

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the Lord. b 1.322 God blessed them, saith Moses, when hee said, Encrease, and multiply; and by so saying con∣ferred a power of propagation vpon them. For c 1.323 God▪ saith Augustine, when he blesseth, he doth what he saith. d 1.324 The power of propagation then is Gods blessing. And indeed what greater blessing could God bestow vpon Man? what greater honour & dignitie could he endow man withal▪ than this, to make him an able Instrument of procreating and producing one in all respects like himselfe, e 1.325 the chiefe of Gods works; of f 1.326 giuing being to a Creature endowed with Gods Image, wherein himselfe had beene created?

It hath been held as great, if not a greater honour, g 1.327 to enrich, as to be rich; and h 1.328 to make a King, as to be one. It was Mans preheminence aboue the rest of Gods Creatures, that i 1.329 he bare by Creation the Image of his Creator; which none of them did, (the k 1.330 Angels alone excepted) but he onely. It was a se∣cond honour, little inferiour, if at all, to the former, (and l 1.331 wherin Man outgoeth euen the Angels them∣selues also) to be enabled by procreation to produce such another as God himselfe had created; and by so doing to come m 1.332 to imitate and to resemble God

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n 1.333 is Creator, and o 1.334 his Father, not in Name and Ti∣tle onely, but in act, and in truth.

This was a great Bee••••t before Mans fall. In some respects it is farre greater since his fall. Man was then immortall: p 1.335 he is now become mortall and corrupti∣ble. And want of issue is consequently now more vn∣comfortable, when men are subiect to mortalitie, than it had then beene, when Man was himselfe, to haue liued alwayes. q 1.336 Good Lord, saith Abraham to God, what wilt thou giue me, when I goe childlesse? r 1.337 Hee had little comfort of all his s 1.338 great wealth and store, (t 1.339 which is wont to make sterilitie the more vncom∣fortable, the greater it is) so long as hee wanted an Heire to leaue it vnto, when hee should leaue this World himselfe. And it was that in all likelihood that made u 1.340 the Prophet Esayes message so harsh and hea∣uie to King Ezekiah, when hee brought him word that he should die; x 1.341 because had he then died, hee had died without issue: For his Sonne Manasses that succeeded him, hauing y 1.342 fifteene yeeres at least sur∣uiued that fit of sicknesse, was but z 1.343 twelue yeeres old at the time of his Fathers decease. But by means of propagation Man attaineth to a 1.344 a kinde of immor∣talitie,

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to a kinde of eternitie; and b 1.345 in his posteritie suruiueth himselfe. * 1.346 The Father, we say, is not dead, as long as the Sonne liueth. A Man is not vtterly ex∣tinct, so long as any one remaineth of his race.

To haue issue then is a great Blessing. And it is c 1.347 a greater honour, saith Gregorie Nazianzene, to bee Father of one Sonne, than to bee Master of a thousand seruants. And * 1.348 if issue be such a blessing, what is the meanes of obtaining it? If the d 1.349 Fruit bee so blessed, what is the e 1.350 root then that beareth it, and without which it cannot with comfort be had? For f 1.351 with∣out a Woman, issue cannot at all, g 1.352 without a Wife it cannot lawfully, without such a Wife it cannot com∣fortably bee had. And indeed what comfort can a man haue either of such issue as is a fowle staine and a reproach to him, the sight whereof cannot but mini∣ster continuall matter of remorse to him, and renue the memorie, so oft as hee seeth it or mindeth it, of his sinne and of his shame; or of issue by such an one, who when shee should be * 1.353 the light of his eyes, and the ioy of his heart, is as a thorne continually in his eyes, and a sting at his verie heart?

Fiftly, for Remedie against Incontinencie. A bene∣fit likewise that before Mans fall was not, because then there was no need of it. h 1.354 The whole, saith our

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Sauiour, need no Physitian. Nor needed Man there∣fore * 1.355 then this Physuke, while hee was yet in perfect health. It is now otherwise with him; And, k 1.356 to auoid fornication therefore, saith the Apostle, let each Man haue his Wife, and each Woman her Husband.

l 1.357 There is in most Men and Women naturally an inclination and propension to the •…•…ll coniuncti∣on. m 1.358 The Man seeketh his rib, say the Rabbines; and the Woman the Mans side. The Man misseth his rib, and seeketh to recouer it againe: and the Woman would be in her old place againe, vnder the Mans arme or wing, n 1.359 from whence at first thee was ta∣ken. o 1.360 Nor is this affection and disposition at all euil simply of it selfe. But since that sinne came in by the fall of our first Parents, Mankind hauing lost that power and command of it selfe that before it had; this affection is not only p 1.361 tainted and mixed gene∣rally with much silth, but it is growne so q 1.362 violent, impetuous and head-strong with the most, that it is readie to break forth into grieuous inconueniences, if some course be not taken for the repression and re∣straint of it. Now r 1.363 for remedie hereof in part hath God appointed this his Ordinance. Which cannot therefore but be esteemed as a singular Benefit and Blessing of all those that finde such infirmitie and s 1.364

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defect in themselues; and howsoeuer they may be able so to containe themselues that it shall neuer breake forth into any grosse impure act, yet desire to keepe themselues t 1.365 vnspotted as well in soule as in bodie, and to approue themselues vnto God in all puritie, as farre as may be, euen there also, where u 1.366 none seeth but he himselfe.

Adde wee hereunto in the last place, that a wise Woman, a discreet Wife is no small x 1.367 grace and Honour to her Husband. And surely if any y 1.368 outward thing may helpe to grace a Man, apparell, jewels, plate, hangings, house-furniture, attendants, followers, retinue, reuenew, issue, &c. then a worthie Wife as much as, yea much more than any such. z 1.369 No grea∣ter grace to a Man, than to haue a discreet Wife, as no greater a 1.370 disgrace than to be matched to a foole.

b 1.371 The Husband, saith Clemens of Alexandria, is a Crowne to his Wife. And, c 1.372 A worthy Woman, saith Salomon, is a Crowne to her Husband: d 1.373 Not a gold∣ring on his finger; (and yet e 1.374 that is accounted some grace too:) nor f 1.375 a Chaine of gold about his necke; (that is somewhat more in the eye, and is g 1.376 vsuall only with great ones:) nor a brouch in his Hat; but h 1.377 a crowne vpon his Head: euen a crowne of gold vp∣on the Head of her Husband, her Head: an ornament more conspicuous and eminent than any of the for∣mer;

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the proper and peculiar i 1.378 attire of Princes; the principall k 1.379 ensigne of the highest Honour.

The Romane Ladie l 1.380 Cornelia counted her two worthy Sons her chiefest Iewels, whom shee shewed therefore to a stranger lodging with her, that desi∣red to see what Iewels shee had: as of m 1.381 a Spartan Woman also the like is reported. Her n 1.382 Children were the richest Iewels that shee had; She the pretiousest Iewell that her Husband had. They were her Crowne; as o 1.383 Salomon also termeth them; Shee his. Well might Shee be termed her Husbands Crowne, who for his sake and her Childrens good, p 1.384 refused a Crowne offered her after his decease. And well may the Husband of such a Wife esteeme her as his choisest Iewel, who by the testimony of Gods Spirit doth as much grace him that hath her, as a Crowne doth him that weareth it.

And thus you see some few Branches, and rude * 1.385 Lineaments of that goodnesse and beneficialnesse of this diuine Ordinance, which the Spirit of God by the Pen of Salomon here pointeth vs vnto. A good Wife being, as you haue heard,

The best Companion in Wealth; The fittest and readiest Assistant in Worke; The greatest Comfort in Crosses and griefes;

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The only warrantable and comfortable Meanes of Is∣sue and posteritie; A singular and soueraigne Remedie ordained by God against Incontinencie; And the greatest Grace and Honour, that can be, to him that hath her.
In regard whereof euen q 1.386 the very Heathen them∣selues also, though led by the bae Light of Nature alone, yet haue admired the excellencie of this di∣uine Ordinance, and haue worthily preferred it be∣fore all other externall and temporal Blessings what∣soeuer.

Now the due Consideration hereof may well serue;

First to controll those of the Church of Rome, who labour so by all meanes to vilifie, depresse and debase this Diuine Ordinance, as if they stroue who should cast most mucke, and durt, and dung, and filth in the face of it. Nothing is more odious and contumelious among them than the Name of a Wife, or a Wiued Person in some. The Name of a Concu∣bine (as wee shall shew) is more acceptable with them, and more gratious in their Eyes.

k 1.387 Mariage is Honourable (saith the Spirit of God by the Apostle) and that among all Men. Yea l 1.388 so Honorable (saith Chrysostome) that a man may with it ascend to the Episcopall Chaire; the highest Honour in the Church. m 1.389 Let a Bishop (saith the Apostle) be the

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Husband of one Wife. Which hee may well be, and yet n 1.390 Vnblameable; as is there also implied. And, o 1.391 The Mariage Bed (saith the same Apostle) is of it selfe free from filth. p 1.392 It is so; and they are so, that rise from it, saith Primasius: it is no Sinne or Blame; and consequently no blemish or staine to them. q 1.393 What need they be ashamed (saith Chrysostome) of that that is honourable? What need they blush for that that defi∣leth them not? As for r 1.394 Whore-mongers and Adulte∣rers; God indeed will s 1.395 iudge, and t 1.396 be auenged on such.

But saith the Spirit of Satan speaking by these Men or Beasts rather; u 1.397 Mariage is dishonourable: dis∣abling men to holy Offices. For, x 1.398 Those that be in the Flesh (so mis-apply they the y 1.399 Apostles words) can∣not please God. And, z 1.400 The Mariage Bed is filth, luxu∣rie,

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vncleannesse, pollution, obscenenesse, &c. (Albeit Ignatius saith, that they haue a 1.401 the Deuill in them that so say.) And, b 1.402 It is better for some men to com∣mit Whoredome, than to contract Mariage. For it is not c 1.403 a lesse Sinne only (as some mince it) but d 1.404 an ho∣nester matter for them, to be naught with many secretly, yea f 1.405 to keepe (as it were) an Hundred Whores one af∣ter another, than to take openly one lawfull Wife. g 1.406 A point (to vse Auentines words) well pleasing Whore∣master Priests, who in stead of one Wife, might haue dealing with six hundred Harlots.

Againe, d 1.407 It is better, saith the Apostle, to marrie, than to burne. And, e 1.408 Let those therefore marrie, (that haue not f 1.409 the gift of Continencie,) that cannot contain. g 1.410 Let them containe, saith Hierome of Virgins, if they will not marrie; or let them marrie, if they cannot con∣taine. For that is h 1.411 the better course for them, saith Augustine, and long before him Cyprian, i 1.412 if either they cannot or will not continue as they are. Yea not of Virgins barely, but of Votaries Epiphanius, k 1.413 Bet∣ter it is for one of them to take openly a lawfull Wife, than to be wounded daily (l 1.414 inwardly) with vnseene shafts.

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Nay, say these Men, m 1.415 Both are bad, but the latter is the better: (as if they stroue directly herein t•…•…op∣pose the Apostle) n 1.416 It is better for some to burne, than to marrie, yea to doe that that is farre worse. For by Mariage their Votaries, Monkes, Friers and Nunnes, are disabled, saith Bellarmine, to the keeping of their Vow, which by Fornication, yea or a worse matter they are not. And, o 1.417 by contracting Mariage, their Priests, they say, become Irregular: Whereas, as p 1.418 by Whoredome, and Adulterie, yea or q 1.419 Sodomie and r 1.420 Bestialitie, though neuer so oft committed, if the fact be not notorious, they doe not. So that, s 1.421 Mari∣age in such, as our Rhemists say, is the very worst kinde of Incontinencie: worse belike indeed with them then either of those are. t 1.422 A foolish perswasion, (to vse Saluians words; yea a sottish superstition:) to for∣beare, (nay, to condemne) that that is lawfull, and com∣mit that that is vnlawfull: to abstaine from the mariage Remedie, and to runne out into all impuritie; as Ber∣nard complaineth that u 1.423 so many of them in his time did, that neither for multitude they could be concealed, nor for shamelesnesse did they seeke to be vn∣seene. x 1.424 It is not Mariage, saith he, but Adultery that God condemneth. And, y 1.425 what comparison is there betweene a Wife and an Whore or an Harlot? saith Ierome.

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But thus they striue a 1.426 to dishonour that that God hath ••••onoured, to disgrace that that he hath graced; b 1.427 preferring that before it (it is no new, butan old complaint) that c 1.428 God most of all detesteth and ab∣horreth. In so much that the Glossers on their Canon Law confesse, (a d 1.429 strange matter, say they, and it is more than once in them:) that e 1.430 Luxurie hath more fauour than Chastitie in their Law.

And so indeed hath it; For, f 1.431 He is admitted in∣to the Ministerie, that hath had a Wife and an Harlot, when he that hath had two lawfull Wiues successiuely, is excluded. Where, g 1.432 he that hath liued chastly (saith the Glosse) with a second Wife is refused, when a For∣nicator is not. And, h 1.433 He may be dispensed with for continuance in his office, that hath kept many Queans, when he that hath maried a second wife may not. A∣gaine, i 1.434 A maried Priest may by no meanes be endu∣red. For, k 1.435 if any Priest either openly or priuately con∣tract Mariage, he is ipso facto depriued; and there∣fore l 1.436 must by all meanes be remoued. But, m 1.437 An Whore∣master Priest the Bishop is not bound to depese. And though some n 1.438 Old moth-eaten Canons will that

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such be deposed: yet those are now worne out of date; and o 1.439 They say now adaies, (saith the Glosse, and they father it vpon p 1.440 Blessed Saint Syluester, though q 1.441 a∣mong his Canons it be not found) that no man is to be deposed for Fornication, vnlesse hee continue still in it; because mens bodies are more fraile now than formerly they haue beene. And, * 1.442 It is commonly held, saith an∣other Glosse, that for simple Fornication one ought •…•…t to be deposed: since that few are found free from that vice. Indeed, r 1.443 if they keepe Harlots openly, (for here the Rule holdeth that the Glosse giueth, that s 1.444 if they liue not chastly, yet they must doe that they doe close∣ly) or t 1.445 he be caught in the manner, and euidently conuict of it, (but e 1.446 how can that be, saith another Glosse; when no Lay-mans witnesse may be receiued, f 1.447 nor may they bee beleeued deposing ought against a Priest, since they be their profest enemies; vnlesse they will themselues g 1.448 confesse it?) h 1.449 then vnlesse with∣in a months space (for some time of respite they must haue) they put their Queanes away from them, suspen∣ded they may be from office and benefice, vntill they haue done due penance. And yet is that accounted i 1.450 too rigorous a course too, saith another Glosser, vnlesse it were for incest, or adulterie at least, albeit the delin∣quent were (not a bare Priest, but) a Bishop. Againe, k 1.451 The Maried Priest must be l 1.452 compelled to abiure his

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Wife; but m 1.453 the Whore-master Priest may by no meanes constrained to abiure his Whore: yea n 1.454 hee ought not to abiure her. I might adde that those that haue beene principall enacters, eager vrgers, and seuere execu∣ters of these their Canons against maried Priests, haue yet made no bones of liuing otherwise indeed loose∣ly and filthily themselues. Witnesse o 1.455 Pope Hono∣rius his Legate, who in a Synode here at London, ha∣uing inueighed most bitterly against Priests Mariage, and made a solemne Decree against it, was the very next night taken himselfe with a Whore. As also Bi∣shop Hulderick, who telleth Pope Nicholas in an Epi∣stle of his to him, that p 1.456 their Bishops and Archdea∣cons that make Priests mariage so vnsauourie, and com∣pell them to leaue their Wiues, are yet so leacherously gi∣uen themselues, that they neither abhorre or forbeare a∣dulterie, no, nor incest, nor Sodomie. But one Instance more of their Iniquitie in this kinde shall suffice. They haue a Canon, that q 1.457 if a man shall haue had two Wiues successiuely, the one before Baptisme, the other af∣ter he was baptised, he shall by the Apostles Rule, (as they r 1.458 mis-expound it;) s 1.459 The Husband of one Wife, be made vncapable of holy Orders: Which yet t 1.460 hee should not haue beene, had hee before Baptisme in stead of taking that one Wife liued neuer so loosely

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otherwise. And the Reason they giue for it is, u 1.461 be∣cause the one being Sinne, was in Baptisme done away, the other being no Sinne, was not. This when it was questioned in Ieromes time, what saith he (though one otherwise x 1.462 not so equall to the Maried estate) to it? y 1.463 This is new learning, saith he, that something shall be reckoned therefore for sinne, because it is not sin. z 1.464 Are all Whoredomes, defilements with common Queanes, impieties, paricides, incests euen with parents, the vnnaturall pollutions of either sex by extraordina∣rie lusts, washed off in Baptisme? And doe the staines of a lawfull Wife sticke on still? And are the Stewes then preferred before the Bride-chamber? That a 1.465 they passe by that that is not lawfull, and obiect that that is. Or b 1.466 is the Name of a Wife so foule a matter, that no∣thing can wipe it away? Belike c 1.467 Men had need to take heed how they take wiues before Baptisme, and contract honest Mariage; Yea they were better to liue as those that haue Wiues in common; or rather by all meanes a∣uoid any Name of a wife whatsoeuer; lest that after they come to beleeue in Christ, it become preiudiciall vn∣to them that they had not Queanes, or Harlots before∣time, but Wiues. d 1.468 These are like the Scribes and Pha∣risies indeed, straining a Gnat, and swallowing a Camel. e 1.469 They punish Martage; and (not pardon onely, but euen) crowne Whoredome. f 1.470 Whereas of the one it is

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said, Mariage is Honourable, and the Mariage-bed is vn∣defiled; of the other, Whore-mongers and Adulterers God will iudge. g 1.471 Sure, if that that is filthie be clean∣sed in Baptisme, that that is cleane is not thereby defiled. And if for this one Particular Ierome charge them so deepely: how much more, all considered that before hath beene said, may they bee truly char∣ged (as their owne Glossers being Canonists also themselues confesse of them) to shew more grace and sauour to Incontinencie, than to Chastitie, and to set lawfull Wiues behind Concubines and Queanes? So that if it were, as these men seeme to say, nay as they peremptorily auow, it were not onely no great good, (as being no furtherance, but a maine h 1.472 hinderance to greater good things;) but a grie∣uous and a foule euill, that Gods Spirit by Salomon here so highly commendeth.

But herein indeed they are not alone; they tread in the steps of diuers old i 1.473 Heretikes, long since con∣demned, who then spake of it, as they now doe. And it is no maruell therefore if God iustly punish them for this their contempt of, and contumely offe∣red to that his holy Ordinance, by giuing them vp, as did the k 1.474 Heathen sometime for their vnthankful∣nesse, and those ancient l 1.475 Herctikes, whom therein

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they concurre with, to the committing of such fil∣thinesse * 1.476 and beastlinesse, as is m 1.477 scarce once to be na∣med, that which euen their owne n 1.478 Authors them∣selues, not a few, confesse of them.

Secondly, Is a Wife such a Benefit, where shee is such as shee should be? This may serue to put vs in minde of the great corruption of Mans Nature, what a miserable deprauation Sinne hath brought vpon Mankinde, euen to the inuerting and corrup∣ting of the greatest Blessings of God both on vs and in vs.

For a 1.479 what greater curse, or heauier crosse befal∣leth a Man oft than a Wife? Or what one thing pro∣duceth more mischiefes and miseries than Marriage doth, where the parties are mismatched? Many a one * 1.480 neuer knew what miserie meant, till he came to know what a Wife was.

And whence commeth all this but from Mans

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corrupt Heart, that b 1.481 like a Toad or Viper, turneth all that it taketh, and the juice of all that it feedeth on, though neuer so good and wholesome of it selfe, in∣to rancke poison? This their corrupt nature therefore must married folkes seeke to quell and to kill, if they desire to finde that fruit in, and reape that benefit by this Ordinance, that Salomon here speaketh of, and to enioy that sound comfort either in other, that Chri∣stian Man and Wife ought to doe. And this their Cor∣ruption must they ascribe it vnto, if they meete with the contrarie, and finde ought otherwise therein. c 1.482 It is not old Age, saith he, but the solly of old Men that maketh Old Age so burdensom as it is vnto many: Nor is it Mariage it selfe, but d 1.483 the folly of Maried Persons, that maketh the maried estate so comber∣some to many: it is not the hauing of a Wife, but ei∣ther thy Fault or hers that maketh her so burden∣some vnto thee.

Thirdly, Is a Wife such a Benefit, where shee is a Wife indeed? No maruell then if we finde e 1.484 so much euill, where it is otherwise. f 1.485 The best things become worst, when they are once corrupted. The strongest Wine maketh the sharpest Vineger. No Creature more loue∣ly than Man, while he liueth: and none againe more gastly to looke on when life is once gone. Yea g 1.486 no Crature more cruell or sauage than Man, when he de∣generateth

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from his kinde: no Beast more beastly than Man, when he turneth h 1.487 Beast. No maruell there∣fore if a Wife, i 1.488 as shee is one of the greatest goods while she so cōtinueth, proueth on the other side one of the grteuousest euils, when she ceaseth to be such.

Againe, all euills, as the k 1.489 Elements, are most com∣bersome and burdensome, when they are out of their proper place; as Impietie in Professors, Iniustice in Iudges, because l 1.490 Impietie is in the proper place of Pietie in the one, m 1.491 Iniquitie in the proper seat of Iustice in the other. In like manner from a Wife is matter of discomfort more grieuous, because dis∣comfort there is in the proper place of comfort, a great euill in the natiue seat and soile of a great good. And what greater Iudgement can befall any Man, than to haue those very things turned to his euill, that were at first ordained for his good; those things especially conuerted, or peruerted rather to his grea∣test euill, that were created for his chiefest good? To haue n 1.492 his Table made his snare, o 1.493 his bread his bane, p 1.494 his raising his ruine, q 1.495 his delights his destruction; r 1.496 the wood of his owne house a gibbet to hang him on; his wife, that should be s 1.497* 1.498 the light of his Eyes, and the ioy of his heart, to be such a continuall Eie-sore, such a perpetuall Heart-sore vnto him, as t 1.499 neither he is able well to endure, nor by any meanes may be rid of.

Fourthly, Is a Wife such a Benefit, as is here im∣plied. Then those that haue beene carefull in ma∣king their choice, and haue in good likelihood com∣passed * 1.500

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such an one as is here intimated, they may with comfort, cheerefulnesse and confidence enter vpon this estate, x 1.501 with good hope and assurance of finding much good in it, of reaping and receiuing much benefit thereby.

It is the conceit of many that when Persons enter vpon Mariage, they doe but plunge themselues into y 1.502 a world of cares, * 1.503 an Ocean of troubles, an inextri∣cable Labyrinth of inconueniences and annoiances. As if that estate like z 1.504 a cursed soile, yeelded nothing, though neuer so well manured and managed, but thornes and thistles, but briers and brambles, but hemlocke and henbane, and the like noisome weeds. As if all the good and ioy of a mans life were gone, when he had once gotten this good; all the comfort of it were ouer, when this Comforter once came; and a 1.505 a man were neuer like to liue merrie day, yea or mer∣rie houre after: And that b 1.506 if a man would liue merrily and comfortably therefore, he should ne∣uer marrie.

To omit what might here be said, that * 1.507 no course * 1.508

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of Life is free from Crosses: and that “ 1.509 men doe not yet therefore either shunne or abandon other cour∣ses of Life in regard of those Crosses that either are incident vnto them, or that occurre in them.

It is true indeed that Mariage bringeth many more Cares, as more Charge, with it, then the single life is ordinarily encombred withall. But yet are † those Cares counterailed with many singular Comforts that the single life is berest of: and c 1.510 such as may well weigh downe whatsoeuer of that kind may rise vp in opposition to cause discouragement in any that are to enter thereupon, d 1.511 if they bee fitted either for other, that they may liue as Man and Wise should together. e 1.512 From the want whereof the annoiances, inconueniences, mischiefes and mi∣series against this estate obiected doe for the most part arise; either because the parties matched sort not well together, or want wisdome and discretion to carrie themselues as they ought, either toward other.

Not to adde, that in regard of some such cares and encombrances as necessarily accompany that estate, to abhorre and abandon Mariage, being o∣therwise so beneficiall, and so excellent an ordinance of God, is as Clemens well obserueth, a note but of

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a 1.513 a nice and effoeminate Disposition, b 1.514 well besee∣ming those Philosophers that referred all to ease and pleasure, and placed their whole felicitie and happi∣nesse therein; who therefore aduised also their fol∣lowers to forbeare c 1.515 Magistracie and Mariage; but as misliked by d 1.516 others of them that were of a more generous disposition, so vnbeseeming Christian men that are, or should be of a farre other Spirit; and e 1.517 sauouring too much both of disreputation of that diuine Ordinance, and of vnthankfulnesse to the Au∣thor of it.

Fiftly, let the maried Wife learne hence what to apply her selfe vnto, that she may be a Wife indeed. The more f 1.518 good shee doth her Husband, the more Comfort he receiueth from her, the more Be∣nefit he reapeth by her; the more shee doth the of∣fice of a Wife, the more shee answereth the Name shee beareth.

And on the other side g 1.519 shee ceaseth to be a Wife, yea to be a Woman, when shee ceaseth to be a meanes of good to Man: Since that the Woman was not made but h 1.520 for Man, and i 1.521 for his good; and therefore shee answereth not her originall, if she be not so. And in vaine will it be for her to beare the * 1.522 Name of that shee is not.

Lastly, hence may the Maried Man also learne his lesson. For how ought he to make much of her, that is a meane of so much good to him? k 1.523 Giue her, saith Salomon, of the Fruit of her Hands: requite her

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in the same kinde againe. If l 1.524 shee doe thee good all thy daies; then oughtest thou all thy daies by all meanes in all kinds to seeke her good, her temporal, her spirituall, her eternall good. For m 1.525 good requi∣reth good; and one good-turne, wee say, asketh an∣other.

Otherwise if thou beest found failing herein, her goodnesse to thee shall one day witnesse against thee. And the better he is to thee now, the worse it shall goe with thee then. Better it were for thee to haue no Wife, or one as good as none, if thou be not an Husband to her, as well as shee is a Wife to thee; if thou beest not an instrument of good vnto her, as well as shee is vnto thee. For looke n 1.526 what is required on her part toward thee, is required the same on thy part toward her: which vnlesse thou answer her with, thou art no more an Husband to her, than shee, if shee should faile therein, were a Wife vnto thee.

But how may a man come by such a Wife, as is here spoken of? may some say: such a one as shall be a meanes of so much good to him that hath her?

Shee must be sought; saith Salomon. For o 1.527 fin∣ding * 1.528 implieth seeking. And p 1.529 He that seeketh, fin∣deth; saith our Sauiour. We must not thinke, be∣couse Salomen elsewhere saith, that Houses and inhe∣ritance are of the Fathers, but a good Wise is of God; that therefore no industrie is to be vsed on our part, but that men should lie still, or sit them downe, ex∣pecting that God should drop Wiues downe out of the clouds for them, as Townes were said to come in∣to

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q 1.530 Timotheus his toiles, while hee slept. No; vn∣lesse we seeke, we are not like to finde. And if by see∣king we may finde, if after much search made, wee may light on such an one, we are well.

Such a Wife then must be sought.

And so sent r 1.531 Abraham his Seruant to seeke a Wife for his Sonne Isaak. So s 1.532 Naomi telleth Ruth her Daughter in Law, that shee will seeke out some fit match for her.

There is good Reason to seeke such an one in two Respects:

First in regard of the Rarity, the Difficulty. Because such are not easily found. * 1.533 Where may we finde such a Man? saith Pharao of Ioseph, implying that such an other as hee could very hardly bee found. And, t 1.534 Where may a Man finde such a Woman? saith Salo∣mon. As he saith elsewhere of a faithfull Friend; u 1.535 Many men will boast, each one of his honestie; but where shall a man finde a Friend truly Faithfull; x 1.536 one that indeed deserueth that name? So many Women may promise great matters of themselues, or others vndertake for them: But it is y 1.537 no easie matter, for all that, to finde out a good Wife, one that answereth the Name shee beareth. * 1.538 Many Priests, and yet Few Priests too; saith one of the Ancients: many in Name,

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but few in effect. So many Women, and few Wiues, may one well say; few such, among many, as Salo∣mon here entreateth of. z 1.539 Good Wiues are rare Crea∣tures, as well as a 1.540 trustie Friends are. And though I dare not say of them, as Elihu of b 1.541 an able Pastor, Salomon of c 1.542 a Wise Man, and some other of d 1.543 a true Friend; One such of a thousand. Yet may I well and safely say, that as well here as else-where, e 1.544 The greater Part exceedeth the better: there is f 1.545 more dros∣sie matter than pure mettall; more pebles than pearles. As the Cynicke sometime g 1.546 sought for a Man in a mul∣titude of Men: so may such a Wife as Salomon here speaketh of, be sought, yea and scarce found some∣time, among a multitude of Women.

Secondly, In regard of the worth and dignitie. It is well worth a mans labour. Hee need not thinke much of his search, if he haue good successe in it. As the difficultie of finding requireth it; so the dignitie of the thing sought requiteth it. h 1.547 It is no wisdome indeed to seeke after toies and trifles, matters of no moment, that will not recompence a mans paines, when without much difficultie they cannot be had. But a worthy Woman is a matter of worth. She is well worthy the seeking. She is i 1.548 a greater blessing than either House or Inheritance: and k 1.549 her price is abone

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Pearles. And if there be l 1.550 so much seeking generally on all hands after the one, much more may there iustly be as much after the other.

But how must shee be sought then?

I answer: First m 1.551 by due and diligent considera∣tion of, and carefull search and inquirie into the na∣ture, qualitie, and disposition, and into the life, cour∣ses and conueisation, of the partie motioned or af∣fected for Mariage: whether shee bee so qualified as a Wife ought to be, and as is fit for one to be that should be thy Wife. For n 1.552 fitnesse in speciall, as well as goodnesse in generall, is one maine ground of the good and benefit that a Wife is to bring to him, whom shee is matched vnto.

Secondly, by vsing the helpe and taking the ad∣uice of Friends. A course especially to be embraced and entertained of those that are themselues vnex∣perienced, or that are yet vnder the power of others. So did o 1.553 Iacob herein follow his Father Isaacks ad∣uice; contrarie to p 1.554 the practise of his Brother E∣sau And q 1.555 Ruth was content to be ruled by her Mother in Law Naomi, though hauing not the power ouer her of a naturall Parent.

Thirdly, by seeking vnto those that are the Pa∣rents or Gouernours of such as they affect or desire, being yet vnder the power of such. So did r 1.556 Abra∣hams Seruant deale with the Friends of Rebekka. And

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s 1.557 Sichem (though t 1.558 he had beene before indeed too forward) with the Brethren of Dinah, and with her Father Iacob, by his Father Hamor; the very light of Nature leading and directing them thereunto.

Fourthly and principally by Prayer to * 1.559 God. As did u 1.560 Abrahams Seruant, when hee was sent to seeke a Wife for his young Master: And as x 1.561 Isaak did when hee dismissed his Sonne Iacob with In∣structions and charge what course to take concer∣ning a Wife.

For (and so passe we to the next Point) God is the principall Doner here. He that will finde a Wife, saith Salomon, must obtaine her of God. And, p 1.562 House and inheritance are of the Fathers; but q 1.563 a prudent Wife is of God. From God therefore it is that a Good Wife must be had. And no maruell.

For first, r 1.564 All good is of God. s 1.565 Euery good Gift, saith S. Iames, is from aboue. And if euery good Gift, then this also among the rest doubtlesse, if not aboue the rest, being so principall a good.

Secondly, t 1.566 Children, saith the Psalmist, and the fruit of the wombe is Gods Gift. And, u 1.567 I gaue Abra∣ham Isaak; and Isaak Iacob and Esau, saith God by Io∣shua. And, x 1.568 They be the Children that God hath gi∣uen me; saith Iacob to Esau. If Children be his gift, the Wife is much more. Neither can we haue them without her; not her without Him.

Thirdly, Euery good Woman is Gods Daughter: as y 1.569 Adam is said to be Gods Sonne: z 1.570 You shall be my Sonnes, and my Daughters; saith God. He hath a spe∣ciall interest, more than ordinary, in them: and they cannot therefore be had without him.

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Fourthly, a 1.571 Mariage requireth a coniunction of Minds, of Affections, of Willes. And b 1.572 better it were, * 1.573 that Men and Women should neuer come together, vnlesse they beare heartie affection either to other, vnlesse they ioine hearts as well as hands. But as c 1.574 the Kings Heart; so d 1.575 the hearts of all Men and Women are in Gods hand. As e 1.576 he made them all, and f 1.577 hee alone knoweth and g 1.578 vnderstandeth them all; so h 1.579 he windeth and turneth them all which way he will, nor can any win or winde the Heart of any contrary to his will.

Now, as such a Wife is of God; so (which was the last Particular)

It is a speciall fauour of God for any Man to obtaine such an one.

As i 1.580 the Man that getteth Wisdome; so the Man that getteth a Wife, k 1.581 a wise Woman, (for there is l 1.582 the same Phrase vsed in both places) hath obtained a speciall fauour (that is, * 1.583 a singular Blessing, and such as he is wont to conferre on such as hee specially fa∣uoureth) at Gods hands. m 1.584 Blessed is the Man that feareth God, saith the Psalmist, and that walketh in his waies. And n 1.585 his Wife the fruitfull Vine, commeth in in the first place, as one of his chiefe Blessings; and his Children, the fruit of this precious plant, in the next. And, o 1.586 He is a blessed Man, saith the Son of

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Syrach, that hath lighted on a ood Wife; and p 1.587 that liueth with an vnderstanding Woman.

Now this we may further and better conceiue by the Contrary.

It is an effect of Gods anger to light on a bad Wife: q 1.588 He that God is angrie with, shall fall (into that snare, or) into that pit. And * 1.589 a truit therefore of Gods fa∣uour to light on a good Wife.

Yea it is a speciall fauour of God to misse of the one. (r 1.590 He that is good in Gods eye, that is, is in fauour with God, shall escape her, saith Salomon) and a speciall fa∣uour of God then to light on the other. There is a single Benefit in the one; s 1.591 a double Blessing in the other.

Againe, It is a speciall fauour of God: For as it is a fauour, that cannot be had without him: so it is a fa∣uour, that † 1.592 he doth not ordinarily vouchsafe vnto euery one, no not vnto euery godly one. Many a good t 1.593 Dauid is matched with a scoffing Micol. Ma∣ny u 1.594 a iust and religious Iob, with a foolish and vn∣kinde Woman (if Woman at least) rather than Wife. We see many daily mismatched, and x 1.595 vnequally yoaked, y 1.596 to their great griefe. And our eares are too frequently filled with the complaints of such, as can shew where z 1.597 the shooe wrings them, but neither can tell, nor be told which way to finde ease.

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And as it is a fauour somewhat a 1.598 rare, that God vouchsafeth not euery one; so it is b 1.599 a Blessing of * 1.600 much moment, where he pleaseth to vouchsafe it. It is a Blessing that bringeth a kinde of Heauen vpon Earth; as the contrarie produceth a kinde of Hell here out of Hell: according to that which the Hea∣then Man well saith, that c 1.601 euery Man when he mar∣rieth, bringeth either a good or an euill Spirit into his house; and so consequently maketh his House, to himselfe at least, either an Heauen or an Hell.

Now the Consideration of these Points may well serue,

  • Partly for Reprehension, and
  • Partly also for Admonition.

For the former; It may first serue to reproue the Practise of those that seeke not at all; make no search or enquirie; but take Wiues as they stumble on them hand ouer head, (as many doe d 1.602 Friends, whom a pint of wine drunke together, or a game at tennis, or a set at Maw maketh Friends;) as if they drew cuts, or e 1.603 cast Lots for them, as some sometime haue done. f 1.604 If thou wert to take an house, or to hire but a ser∣uant, saith Chrysostome, how carefull wouldest thou be to make diligent enquirie of the commodities and discommodities, conueniences and inconueni∣ences,

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easements and annoiances of the one, who hath before dwelt in it, what neighbour-hood about it, and the like; and of the qualities and conditi∣ons, vices or good parts of the other, whom he had formerly serued, how behaued himselfe in their ser∣uice, how likely to proue fit for thy seruice, and the like. And g 1.605 hast thou not much more cause to be carefull, yea curious in thine enquirie concerning her, whom thou mayest chance to make thy Wife? That so h 1.606 Iudgement, as it should doe, may goe be∣fore and lead Affection, and not follow and come after it. The rather since that i 1.607 thine House if vpon triall thou mislike, thou maist leaue; or thy Seruant, if he please thee not, thou maist put off againe, vp∣on a quarter, or halfe a yeeres warning at most. But k 1.608 thy Wife there is no casting off againe: she must all thy daies abide by thee, all hers at least, like enough to last as long as thou liuest. Nay there is l 1.609 no wo∣man almost so vnwise or vnwarie, that will buy an earthen pitcher, or and it be but an halfe-peny pipkin, but she will view it well first, ring it, and trie it whe∣ther it be sound and whole or no: much lesse will they put any pretious liquor into bottell or vessell, but they will first sound it and smell to it whether it be sweet or no, and m 1.610 trie it with water ere they trust

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it with wine. Whereas Husbands and Wiues, Men and Women take at aduenture, without any kinde of in∣quirie; and they haue but a faire out-side, that is all they regard: It was n 1.611 the fault of those before the Floud, and o 1.612 the root and ground of that excesse of euill that brought in that vniuersall Deluge. Nor is it to be maruelled, if such rash and hastie proceeding produce hastie repentance p 1.613 in these cases as in matter of q 1.614 iudicature, and r 1.615 other affaires oft it doth: If affection soone alter, where it was neuer well roo∣ted, or soundly setled: if s 1.616 such as cast Lots for Wiues this day, be willing the next day to part with them againe.

Secondly, it serueth to reproue those, that seeke indeed, but seeke amisse; that seeke without light, yea that refuse to vse such light as would be lent them, and is tendred vnto them, and that, when they haue more need of it then they are, it may be, aware of. Such are they, the younger sort especially, that thinke scorne to take aduice of their Friends, imagi∣ning themselues t 1.617 wise enough to aduise themselues, and to make their owne choise. u 1.618 That that pro∣ueth the very bane, and vtter ouerthrow of many an one, that might well haue done well, if they would haue beene ruled by those that wished them well, and were both able and willing well to aduise them: but refuse to hearken to any good aduice, till it bee too late, when they come to be scourged soundly with a rod of their owne making.

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Thirdly, it serueth to reproue others that seeke * 1.619 amisse in another sort: they knocke at the wrong doore, they goe not the right way to worke; that seeke x 1.620 by indirect courses to ensnare the hearts and entangle the affections of those whom they de∣sire, being vnder the power of others, passing by their Parents, or others vnder whose power they are; and whom as y 1.621 God hath set in his place, so hee hath in part imparted to them his power of disposing. Such cannot expect any blessing from God on their seeking, seeking contrarie to his word and will.

Fourthly, those especially come here to be repro∣ued, that passe wholly by God, neuer looke vp to him: vse their owne industrie, it may be, and take aduice of their Friends, but neuer thinke on or looke after him that ought to be their principall aduiser, their chiefe Counseller, their best Friend, either to craue his aduice or to aske his good will. And no maruell, if so much neglecting him, they speed ac∣cordingly, they misse of that z 1.622 that without him cannot be had. a 1.623 Thou wouldest take it euill, that any man should be a Suitor to thy Daughter, and ne∣uer come to aske thee thy good-will. Much more may God take it euill that thou shouldest seek to win his Daughters loue without crauing his good leaue.

Fiftly, Is such a Wife a speciall Fauour of God? Then be carefull to reconcile thy selfe in the first place vnto God, if thou wouldest hope, or doest de∣desire to haue such a speciall fauour at his hands. If thou desirest a Mans Daughter, thou wilt seeke to get her Fathers good-will: And if there haue beene any breach formerly betweene thee and him, thou wilt

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vse all good meanes of working an accord and a∣greement betweene you, ere thou wilt come to make suit to him, to bestow his Daughter vpon thee. For little hope couldest thou haue to preuaile with him in a suit of that nature, b 1.624* 1.625 so long as there were jarre and enmitie between you otherwise. And how canst thou hope to obtaine the like fauour at Gods hands, if there be enmitie and hostilitie betweene him and thee?

Lastly, let such maried persons as God hath bles∣sed in this kinde, learne hence what cause they haue to be thankfull to God either for other. Yea let the jarres and discord that they see betweene other Men and Women mismatched, and the crosse and cursed cariage of them either toward other, together with the manifold annoiances and grieuous mischiefes and inconueniences that ensue ordinarily thereup∣on, be a meanes to put them in mind of Gods great mercie and goodnesse to them, and of his speciall fa∣uour towards them; and to make them the more thankfull vnto him for the same.

And since that they haue receiued either other from God, let them herein striue to shew their thank∣fulnesse vnto God, by endeuouring to bring either other neerer vnto God, by c 1.626 helping either other forward in the good waies of God: Doe either with other, as Anna did with her Sonne Samuel, as d 1.627 she had him of God, so she bestowed him on God againe; returne either other againe to God, and labour to re∣turne them e 1.628 better than they receiued them. The better they shall make either other, the better shall they enioy either other: and the nearer they shall

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bring either other to God, the more good, through Gods Goodnesse, shall they haue either of other. The more Man and Wife profit in the Feare of God, the more comfortably and conten∣tedly shall they liue toge∣ther, the better shall it be for them both.



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