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Title:  An anniuersarie memoriall of Englands deliuery from the Spanish inuasion deliuered in a sermon on Psal. 48. 7,8. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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or that place; nor is Gods protection tied vnto, or en∣tailed vpon this, or that people. We haue Psal. 119.57, 94. Ier. 2.3. no pro∣mise of protection longer than wee continue Gods portion. Wee haue 1 Cor. 10.1-12. no better euidence, nor assu∣rance than the Iewes had: Psal. 132.14.Here (saith God) shall be my rest for euer. And, Verse 8.God will establish it for euer. And, Psal. 89.23. Esai. 41.11, 12.I will destroy all that rise against it. And yet wee know Luk. 19.44. & 21.24. what is become of them at this day, Matth. 23.38.Their habitation is left desolate. And 1 Thess. 2.16.The wrath of God (saith the Apostle) is come vpon them to the vt∣most. It is true indeed, that Deus nisi dese∣rentem se non dese∣rit, priusquam de∣seratur neminem deserit. Aug. ad im∣poss. sibi art. 7. Re∣cessurum non dese∣rit antequam dese∣rat. Ibid. 14. Non enim nos deserit fons, si nos fontem nō deseramus. Idem in Ioan. 32.God neuer leaueth any, but those that leaue him. But if 1 King. 11.7, 9.Salomon leaue God, and build Temples for Milcom, and Chamosh; God will leaue him, and raise vp aduersaries on al sides against him. If 2 Chron. 32.25.Ezekiaes heart be lift vp;Esai. 39.6, 7. 2 Chron. 32.26.God will pull him downe againe. If Esai. 1.21. Ier. 3.2. & 9.2.the holy Citie become an Harlot, or aFacta est vrbs to∣ta lupanar. Iuuen. sat. 1. Vnus gurges omnium gula: vnū pene lupanar est omnium vita. Sal∣uian. de prou. l. 7.Stewes (as he speaketh) no reason but that God should Ier. 7.29. & 12.7.abandon it, and giue her Ier. 3.8.a Bill of diuorce, and Ezek. 13.36, 45, 47. deale with Aholah, and Aholibah, as adulterous women are wont to be dealt with. If Gods Vine grow not Hoshea 10.1. barren only, but beare Deut. 32 32.bitter,Esai. 5.2.noysome, and Deut. 32.33.poysonfull grapes; it shall be a iust thing with God to Esai. 5.5. Psal. 80.12.plucke vp her hedge, and Esai. 5.6. Ier. 12.11.lay her waste,Ier. 9.11, a wilde wildernesse, or Matth. 3.10. & 7.19 Luk. cut her downe, and Ezek. 15.4, 6.cast her into the fire. If Numb. 11.5. & 14.3, 4.Israel begin to looke backe into Aegypt; it shall be iust with GodDeut. 28.68. to bring backe his Israel that was, into their former Aegyptian bondage againe. If the Hebrewes liue in those abominable coursesLeuit. 1.24, 25. Deut. 18.12. for which God cast out the 0