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Title:  Abrahams decease A meditation on Genesis 25.8. Deliuered at the funerall of that worthy seruant of Christ, Mr. Richard Stock, late pastor of All-Hallowes Bread-street: together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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be still fresh: and though they cannot afford much helpe of the hand, yet . Plu. de sen. pol. . Eurip. Melamp . Bo. Lar. . Sophocl. Thyest. . Antiphan. Philoct. by sage counsell and graue aduice, they may further affaires more either publike or priuate,. Eu∣rip. Atiop. Polyb. lib. 1. Plut. de sen. Pol. Galen. de art. Stob. . 52. . Oppian. pisc. l. 5. . Agatho. . Menand. . Gabr. Fab. Hinc Agamemnon decem Nestores potius quam Aiaces optat. Iliad. . Cic. de sen. Plut. de sen. pol. than many younger and stronger are a∣bledoe with their hands:. Aristoph. vesp.a few gray haires, saith on; may be more worth, than many young lockes; and a few gray beards doe more than many greene heads. It is not that decay of nature or bodily strength so much, I say, as such . Plt. ibid. Non proprium senectutis est vitum, sed commune valetudinis. Cic. deen.paines and diseases as vsu∣ally accompany old age, that are wont to make it to be either so tedious to them themselues, that they grow Iob 7. 15, 20. Nunc quia longa mihi grauis est & inutilis aetas, viuere cum nequeam, sit mihi posse mori. Maxim. eleg, 1.weary oft euen of their liues, or that ma∣eth them so unprofitable to others, yea and oft so . Menand. Tum equidem in se∣necta hoc depuso miserrimum, Sentire ea aetate esse odisum alteri. Caecil. Vsque adeo grauis vxri, natisque, sibique, Vt captatori moueat fastidia Cosso. Iuuen. 10.burdensome too, that they grow as weary of them, as they are themselues of their liues. Which to be freed therefore from, either for the most part, or in some good measure, in that age, must needs bee counted no small merey.Thirdly, obserue wee hence, that there is a kinde ofSatietie and fulnesse of life:not so much, I say, an Quosdam subit eadem viden∣di saciendique satitas, & vitae non odium, sed fastidium. Sen. ep. 24.irkesomnesse, and tedious∣nesse,; Eurip. Menalip. . Soph. Syr.0