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Title:  Abrahams decease A meditation on Genesis 25.8. Deliuered at the funerall of that worthy seruant of Christ, Mr. Richard Stock, late pastor of All-Hallowes Bread-street: together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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sinnes die in thee before thou diest. Let them dye be∣fore thee; for Ier. 6. 29. 30. Vl∣sne est criminum modus? & non pri∣us est vt de vitâ hamines quam de iniquitate dscedāt? Quis enim non cū suis iniquitatibus moritur? & ipsis adodum a{que} in ipsis sceterib{us} ∣pelitur? Sal. de prou. l. 5. c. 8. Non cessant vitia ciuiū vs{que} ad excidia ciuitatum. Pr est interire qu corgi: Prius ipsos, quam in ipsis vitia, non esse. ib. l. 6. c. 12. if they stay till death with thee, if Iohn 8. 22, 24.thou diest before they die, thou art sure to die eter∣nally. And how knowest thou but that thou maist die before they die, if they die not in thee this day; when , Eurip. Al∣cest. Qus enimest tam adolescns, cui fit exploratum se ad vesperū esse victu∣rum? Cic. de sen. Quis sit an adijci∣ant hodiern tem∣pora vitae Crastina Dijsuperi? Horat. carm. 4. 7. Nemo tā Respect 2. diuos habuit fauen∣tes, Crastinum vt possit sibi polliceri. Sen. Thyest. 3. Nihil dehodierna die promittitur, niil de hac or. Sen. ad Mar. c. 10. thou hast no certainty of thy liues continuance till the next day? And it is the aduice of a Iewish Rabbine, and might well haue come from any Chri∣stian;Vn die ante mortem agas poenitentiam. R. Eleazar. Drus. apopht. l. 1.Repent thee a day before thou diest. Not meaning thereby, that a man should deferre and put off his repentance, till he lay, as hee thought, now a dying, or not like to liue aboue a day longer: But that Hodiè resipiscendum, ne forte cras moriamur. Ibid. he should this present day repent, and Quomodo enim de die in diem dis∣ferendo peccas, um extremum diem tuum nescids? Aug. ep. 145. not put it off till the next day; because before the next day, for ought he knoweth, he may die;Prou. 27. 1. Iam. 4. 13. ; Anacrcon. . Pindar. Isth 8.—aetas quid rastinavoluat scire nefas homini. Stat Thb. l. 3. Neyis quid serus vesper vehat. Varro. Liu. l. 45. Gell. l. 1. . 22. hee knoweth not what or where he shall be to morrow. As Solomon therefore aduiseth him, that hath in∣tangled himselfe by suretiship, so doe thou much more; (for the matter more concerneth thee) Prou. 6. 4, 5.Giue no sleepe to thine eyes, nor flumber to thine eye∣lids, before thou hast 2 Tim. 2. 25, 26. by sincere and serious repen∣tance wound thy selfe and thy soule againe out of those snares of Satan,Prou. 5. 22. & 29. 6. which by the practise of sinne thou hast entangled thy selfe in.2 In the shunning and auoiding of all euill. Be as carefull to shunne sinne eery day, as thou wouldest 0