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Title:  Abrahams decease A meditation on Genesis 25.8. Deliuered at the funerall of that worthy seruant of Christ, Mr. Richard Stock, late pastor of All-Hallowes Bread-street: together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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or Reditus. Eccles. 12 7. ptriasse erit bc. Bern de consid. . 5 Epcharm . Ar. E∣pict Ruer∣ti, vnde venes, quid graue est? S tranq. c. 11. Itaque Plus ex∣psans, . Ss. epist. 139.a returne to God, then a Obitus. Non obi∣it. Ambr. de Thod.deceasing, or Intritus. Iteri∣tus non est. Ambr. de bon. mort. . 8. & Cic. Tus. l. 1. Mors non interimit. Lu∣cret. l. 2. Hud is in∣rit. Plaut. sup.surcea∣sing, or Intermissio. Mors intermiit viam, non eript. Sen. ep. 36. nee illud que.intermission, or Intercisio.intercision, yea, or Diminutio.di∣minution, either of lfe, or of their good or happy estate. There is no cause therefore to mourne for those that die in Christ; there is cause rather to mourne for those that liue out of Christ. For the one liueth still though he die: the other is dead, though he yet liue, and shall one day die eternally, if he con∣tinue as he now is. Luges corpus, i quo recessit anima? luge animā, à qua recessit Dus. Aug. de Sanct. 13. Doest thou mourne (saith Au∣gustine) ouer the body that the soule hath leaft: mourne rather ouer the soule that God hath forsa∣ken; as 1 Sam. 15 35.Samuel did for Saul; and as 2 Co. 12 21. the Apostle saith, he should doe for such as had liued in lewd and loose courses, and not repented yet of them. . Chryso. in Philip. om. 3. . Isid. Pel. l. 1. cp. 334. Such there is cause therefore indeede to mourne for: But no cause in the world to mourne for those that are in no worse case, than Abraham and Isaak, and all the faithfull are, that liued in former times, Vse 3. or than others of the same ranke shall be hereafter to the worlds ends.Thirdly, are 2 Sam. 14 14. Rom. 4 12. Heb. 9. 26. Mors per ones it. Sen. epist. 95. Mors omnes aequè vocat. Irtis djs propijisque moridum est. Idem quaest. nat. l. 2. c. 59.all of all sorts subiect to death, as well good as bad, Prophets as priuate men, &c? This then should admonish vs to make the best vse we can of our religious friends, neighbours, ac∣quaintance, husbands, parents, pastors especially, while they are with vs, (Io 12 35.Walke, yea and Iohn 9. 4.worke too, by the light, while you haue it with you, saith our 0