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Title:  Abrahams decease A meditation on Genesis 25.8. Deliuered at the funerall of that worthy seruant of Christ, Mr. Richard Stock, late pastor of All-Hallowes Bread-street: together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith.
Author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654.
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An other his discreet carriage in the catechi∣zing. . . . . depu∣pt. Id{que} in A∣al. . Quibus gemina sunt Philostrati illa cp. 2. &c. Itaque quod Plin. l. 6 cp 27. Facilis ; nonfacilis electio. est enim ex s eius lrga materia. of the younger sort; the males apart one day, and the females another; the riper and forwarder first in the presence of the ruder and rawer, and the ruder and rawer apart by themselues after the de∣parture of the former, that they might both reape what fruit might bee by hearing them, and yet re∣ceiue no discouragement by being heard of them: A third his pious care and diligence in the religious in∣struction and education of those that were vnder his priuate charge, children and others: Some one thing, some another. And I cosse, with Nazi∣anzene in somewhat the like case, at it is herein with me, t as with one in a field or a , reple∣nisht with faire flowers of all sorts, who w casteth his eye on one, another offereth it selfe to him, and while he is catching at that, another commeth in his way, and while that pleaseth his eye, another withdraweth it to it selfe: And . Greg. Naz. in Patrem. as the rings or circles that rise on the surface of the water, when a stone is cast into a standing poole, they come so thick one vpon the neck of another, that, as if they stroue for place, they iustle out ei∣ther other: so such variety of passages presenteth it selfe to me, that while I looke after one, I lose and let slip another, and when I would fetch that 0