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Title:  The spoyle of Antwerpe. Faithfully reported, by a true Englishman, who was present at the same. Nouem. 1576. Seene and allowed
Author: Gascoigne, George, 1542?-1577.
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fine, I gotte vp like a tall fellow, and wente with them for company: but their haste was such, as I could neuer ouertake thē, vntil I came at a broad crosse streate which lyeth betweene the English house & the sayd Eource: there I ouertooke some of thē groue∣ling on the ground, and groning for the last gaspe, and some other which turned backwards to auoyd the tick∣ling of the spanishe Musquets: who had gotten the ends of the sayd broad crosse streate, and flanked it both wayes: And there I stayde a whyle till hearing the shot increase, and fea∣ring to bee surprysed wyth suche as mighte follow in tayle of vs, I gaue aduenture to passe through the sayde crossestreate, and (without vaunte be it spoken) passed through fiue hundred shotte, before I could recouer the En∣glish house.At my comming thether, I founde many of the Marchuntes standing 0