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Title:  A sermon preached vpon Sunday, beeing the twelfth of March. Anno. 1581, within the Tower of London in the hearing of such obstinate Papistes as then were prisoners there: by William Fulke Doctor in Diuinitie, and M. of Penbroke Hall in Cambridge.
Author: Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
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and tremble suche as Saint Iames cal∣leth a dead faith, which is voide of good works.Iac. 2. And did our Sauiour Christ, pray that a dead, fruitlesse, barren, and Deuils faith might cōtinue in Peters successors? was this ye effect of our sauiour Christes prayer? A goodly priuiledge of the Bishops of Rome, that they shuld haue knowledge of the truth & yet goe vnto the Deuill. I know you will reply, that although they through their owne defalt, take no benefit by this priuiledge, yet it is very necessary for the whole Church, to kéepe it in vnitie of faith. But that our sauiour Christ prai∣ed not for the continuance of such a fruit∣lesse faith, it is plaine by this reason, yt al∣though Peters successours shoulde be ad∣mitted vnto the participation of this be∣nefite, yet Peter him selfe might not be excluded. But what a miserable comforte was this for Peter, if after his maister had shewed him in what daunger he & all his fellows stood, through the malice of sa∣tan, which desired them to winnow or sift thē, as wheat is scattered abroad in win∣nowing, insomuch that before the crow∣ing of the Cocke, hée shoulde denye him 0