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Title:  A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow Also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie. Done by VVilliam Fulke Doctor of diuinitie, and Maister of Pembroke hall in Cambridge.
Author: Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
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by auctority of the holy Scriptures, Protestāts do gladly acknowledge, how necessary it is for the church to de∣cide controuersies and do willingly submit them selues thereto. The subiection of Papists to their indges, doth no more proue their religion to be true, then the obe∣dience of the Mahometistes to their superiors, both in cases of religion, and of the common wealth, doth iusti∣fie their sect to be the religion of God. What Trinitaries & other sectaries be in Polonia, or elswhere, that wil not submit themselues to any auctority, as they are no parte of our church, so we haue no cause to excuse or defende them. In the demaunde, Bristow complaineth of an vn∣learned Christian, which hath bene suffered to write a vaine libell against the auctority of the church of God, which is a vaine lye, for there is no true Christian lear∣ned or vnlearned, which will hold against the church of God, so lōg as she is directed by the word of God, as the true church is in all matters necessarie vnto saluation. But perhaps the vnlearned Christian hath challenged the church of Rome to approue her doctrine by aucto∣rity of Gods word. Which because the Papists dare not attēpt, Bristow requireth I can not tel what approbation & priuiledge of the sayd libell, to shew a bad shift better then none at all, why they wil not answere it. For Popish libells that are but cast abroad in writing, we require no approbation nor priuiledge, & dare not the Papists con∣fute a printed libell before it haue approbation & priui∣ledge?The 29. motiue.Protestantes them selues take thinges vpon our churches credit. The churches auctority. S. Augustines motiue. VVhat Brsow. Sor. pture the Protestants deny.Although we did receaue such things, as he reherseth vpon their churches credit, it followeth not, that theirs Fulke. is the true church, for we receaue nothing from them, without dew exammation. The Scriptures we receaue 0