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Title:  A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow Also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie. Done by VVilliam Fulke Doctor of diuinitie, and Maister of Pembroke hall in Cambridge.
Author: Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
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you? The conuersion of Augustine and the death of Cassius were foretold in vision. If both those were graū∣ted to be true visions, your religion were neuer the bet∣ter, except the conuersion of the one, and the death of the other be your religion. But admitting the dreame of Monica to be a true vision, howe proue you that the Chapeline of Cassius did not fayne his vision after his maister was dead?But the dreame of Iudas Machabaeus who sawe the Prophet Ieremy pray for the people, is recorded in the Canonical Scripture it selfe (sayth Bristow) 2. Mach. 15. chap. which Scripture the Protestants reiect, because it maketh against them, as they would doe all the rest, but that they thinke they haue inuēted shiftes good enough to blinde the worlde. What reuerence we beare to the holy Scriptures of God, he him selfe, our owne consci∣ence, and the whole world can testifie. And the reiecti∣on of such bookes as were not written by the spirite of God, doth approue the same. Beside the authoritie of the auncient Churche, both of the Iewes and Gentills which neuer receiued the same bookes into the canon, we haue often made manifest demonstration, that they proceeded not from the spirite of God. Wherefore the Papistes making them of equall credit with the worde of God, incurre the curse of God, which is vnto all them that either adde or take away any thing from his holy word.But the Papistes are not destitute of visions in these daies, for Bristow knoweth a Protestant who hath con∣fessed that he saw in a dreame, the communion booke out of many handes cast into a fire, and yet the man cō∣tinueth a Protestant. Verely he doth as a good Christi∣an should doe, that not onely with no vaine dreames, but nether with visions of Angells from heauen he will be moued to condemne that doctrine which he know∣eth assuredly to be agreable to the holy Scriptures. But there was a Papist in London, which came to ye Church against his conscience, and sawe a fowle blacke dogge 0