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Title:  A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow Also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie. Done by VVilliam Fulke Doctor of diuinitie, and Maister of Pembroke hall in Cambridge.
Author: Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
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Bristow diuideth miracles into dogmaticall and per∣sonall. Fulke. Of the first sort he setteth this conclusion. VVho∣soeuer haue at any time set them selues against, any doctrine confirmed by miracle, they haue bene against the truth. There can to this no instans be giuen: our doctrine which they resist hath bene confirmed by miracles, therefore plaine it is that they are enemies of the truth.Doe you heare this shameles beast, say, there can be no instans giuen against his proposition? When ye Lord himselfe giueth an expresse law, against a false prophet, which sheweth signes or miracles. Deut. 13. Did not Ian∣nes and Iambres whch resisted moses, worke miracles: doth not our Sauiour Christ prophecy that many false christes and false prophets should arise and worke such great signes and miracles, as (if it were possible, the ve∣ry elect should be deceiued. Matth. 24. Doth not S. Paule prophecy, that the comming of Antichrist shalbe accor∣ding to the working of Satan, in all power and lying signes and miracles, and therefore no maruel if Bristow bragge, that he can fill whole volumes with them? But miracles are not the triall, but the confirmation of do∣ctrine, which must be tried onely by the Scriptures of God: without the authoritie whereof, no miracles ought to moue vs to giue credit, and much lesse any miracles may moue vs to beleue any doctrine which is against it. But yet let vs consider of such miracles as Bristow re∣hearseth.First for the sacrifice of the Masse, and for purgatory. August. de ciuit. Dei lib. 22. cap. 8. writeth, that in a Ferme house of one Hesperius, was great hurt and trouble by euill spirits, which at the prayers of a certaine Priest or elder of Augustines Chutch, was staied & ceased. There is no word of deuills expelled with a Masse, or with the sacrifice of ye Masse. That which in Bristowes eare soun∣deth that way, is Perre it vnus, &c.One went thether, he offered there the sacrifice of the body of Christ, pray∣ing with all his power, that the same vexation might ceasse: But Augustine by offring the sacrifice of Christes 0