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Title:  A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow Also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie. Done by VVilliam Fulke Doctor of diuinitie, and Maister of Pembroke hall in Cambridge.
Author: Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
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that the Christians in a matter of a Bishopps election, and for a Bishops house, were directed by the decree of Aurelianus an heathen Emperour. And this notwith∣standing, the Church is alwayes vnder the soueraigne authoritie of Christ, and the spirituall gouernment of her seuerall pastors and teachers, when Christ ascen∣ding into heauen, ordayned for her edification and v∣nitie, and not one Pope ouer all. Eph. 4. 13.But now he will enter one degree farther, and sup∣pose, that a king may be as good as it is possible for any mortall man to be, or as any Bishop and Priest is, yet he can nether baptize, consecrate, forgiue sinnes, praise, ex∣communicate, blesse, nor be Iudge of doctrine by his kingly authoritie. If he can doe none of those: he can not be supreame gouernour in all Ecclesiasticall causes. I denye this argument. For his supremacie is not to doe those thinges, or any of them, but to prouide and com∣maund, that they may be doon as they ought to be. But he riseth vp againe and sayth, that whosoeuer hath so∣ueraigne authoritie, either in ciuill matters or Ecclesia∣sticall, he may in his owne person execute any of those thinges, which any of his inferiours may do. So he saith, the king if he wil, may be Iudge in VVestminster hall, shrieue and constable, yea he may play the tayler, maister Carpenter or tanner. It is maruell he sayth not that he may be both a king and subiect. Likewise the primate, (he might as wel say the Pope) may helpe a Priest to Masse, cary the crosse in procession, digge a graue, &c. I deny this rule to hold in all thinges. For there are some thinges, that the Prince may not doe for lacke of knowledge, and some thinges for lacke of calling, and yet he may commaund both to be done. For controuersies of lawe he may not decyde, except he haue knowledge of the law, nor minister Phi∣sick, except he haue knowledge in phisicke, yet he may command both Lawyers & Phisitions to doe according to their knowledge, likewise to preache, baptize, &c. he may not, because he lacketh calling, for none may doe those thinges lawfully, but he that hath a speciall cal∣ling, 0