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Title:  A retentiue, to stay good Christians, in true faith and religion, against the motiues of Richard Bristow Also a discouerie of the daungerous rocke of the popish Church, commended by Nicholas Sander D. of Diuinitie. Done by VVilliam Fulke Doctor of diuinitie, and Maister of Pembroke hall in Cambridge.
Author: Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
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The second motiue is the seauenth demaunde.Name of Heretikes, that very name a certayne marke of very Bristow. Heretikes. Luthers consciens his side to be Heretikes.If the very name of Heretikes were a certayne marke of Heretikes, the Christians in the Apostles time Fulke. should bee verye Heretikes, for they were so called. yea (sayth Bristow) of the blind and vnbeleuing Iewes, and so are we called by the blind and vnbeleeuing Pa∣pistes: so were all true Catholikes alwayes by al Here∣tikes, which is so strange to Bristow, that he would haue vs bring an Example of any Christians that euer called any people Heretikes, whiche prooued not Heretikes indeede. You may see his reading is very great, whiche thinketh no exception may be brought out of any Hi∣storie, or writings of the Fathers, for this matter. I wyll sende him to that vnperfecte worke vpon S. Mathewes Gospell, written by an Arriane, yet among Papists com∣monly taken for Chrysostom, wherein the Author cal∣leth and counteth the true Christians Heretikes, which defendeth the Godhead of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost to be equall, in Cap. 23. Hom. 45. Conse∣quenter & aercticis dicitur hoc. consequently this is said to the Heretikes. And least you should doubt whome he calleth Heretikes, it followeth immediately: Quando e∣nim vides haereticos tres per omnia aequales dicentes eiusdem es∣se substantiae, eiusdem esse authoritatis, sine principio omnes hos aliqua parte distantes a se, non mireris: implent enim mensuram patrum suorum Gentilium, quoniam & illi similiter multos deos colebant. For when thou seest the Heretikes, saying, that there be three in al things equal of the same substance, and of the same authoritie, all these being without be∣ginning, yet differing in some respect one from ano∣ther, maruell not: for they fulfill the measure of theyr fathers the heathen men, for they did likewise worship many Gods. By this one example in stead of many, it is cleere, that the Arrians did as commonly call the true 0