Prælections vpon the sacred and holy Reuelation of S. Iohn, written in latine by William Fulke Doctor of Diuinitie, and translated into English by George Gyffard
Fulke, William, 1538-1589., Gifford, George, d. 1620.
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The eleuenth Chapter

SAinct Iohn goeth forwarde in this chapter in describinge those thinges which re∣maine to be vttered in the sowndinge of the trumpet of the sixt Aungell, & in the end of this chap. vers. 15. he describeth the trumpet of the seuenth Angell which is a messenger of the re∣surrection and last iudgement.

Vers. 1.

There was giuen me a reede like to a rodde. &c.

NOw it is declared vnder this figure, to what ende the A∣postle is commaunded to vtter forth the litle booke of the heauenly word, (which he had eaten) in prophesiyng diligently. Verely because ye Christ wil yet alwaies byld vp his Church yt it should not vtterly be destroyed, although it be greiuously op∣pressed with the tyranny of Antichrist, threatninge present de∣struction and vtter cuine. But chiefly he signifieth that ye ruine of the same shall be repayred toward the ende of the world, euē as this figure perteyneth to the trumpet of the sixt Angell. For the measuringe is referred to ye byldinge, like as in other places of the holye scriptures, Ezechiell 40. Zachar. 1 there is the lyke metaphor.

And the Aungell stoode by, sayinge arise and meat the tē∣ple of God and the alter and thē that worship therein. &c. Although in certeyne copies these words (and the Angell stode by) are not founde yet I doubt not but Iohn vnderstandeth that this was the speach of that noble Aungell Christ whiche he had described in the chapter going before. For Christ is the maister bylter of his Churche. Vnder whome all the ministers of the woorde labour in preaching and spreadinge abroade of the gos∣pell to the bylding vp of the same holy temple. Therefore Christ cōmaundeth to measure the temple of God, the alter and those that worship in the temple: By which signe he teacheth that he wil haue a care, that the whole church, which is signified by the temple, that the true worship of God whiche is figured by the alter, & that all the parts & members of the Church, which are shadowed by those whiche worship in the temple, shall for euer Page  68 be buylded vp and preserued in safety the which woulde all so∣denly vanishe away, except by his ayed and defence, and by the ministery of the word, they shold be propped vp, euen as it were with pillers.

Verse. 2.

But the court which is with out the temple cast out and meat it no for it is geuen vnto the gentils. &c.

SEinge the readinge of this place is doubtefull in the greeke books, for when some haue (without) & some (with in) we can a poynct nothing for certeynty, but that hauinge respect to the forme of the olde temple of the Iewes, which was deuided into three partes, I rather encline to that readinge, whiche hath (without) for there was no inner court that I know, but the ho∣ly and the holy of holiest. Although I leaue it indifferente whe∣ther way it is to be red. Yet this is certeyn yt by this court, whe∣ther we read the (inner) or the (vtter) is signified the felowship and congregatiō of hypocrits, which though they proudly boast them selues in the glorious title of the Church, yet they are not comprehended in the bosome of the true Churche. But rather as bastardes and degenerate children, they are refused, cast out and banished, and no other wise then the temple of the Iewes, by the Romaine gentils is destroyed in such sort yt not on stone is left vpon an other: So these when they are banished & cut of from ye people of God, shalbe gathered & ioyned to the prophane gentils, of whose number they are. Therfore least that S. Iohn might thinke that Christ comprehended vnder the name of the temple and those that worship there in, all, as many as beast in an outwarde sew and vision of Christ and the Church, he slat∣lye forbiddeth him to accompt that vtter courte, that is, heriti∣ques and schismatiques, and all the other rablement of the secte of Antichrist, amonge those whome the Lord will receiue to be builded vp into an holy temple, whereof he himselfe is ye corner stone, he pulleth away yt visor therfore from ye faces of the papi∣stes and other heritiques which haue nothing els in ther mou∣thes but the Church, the Church, when he cōmaundeth thē to be cast forth, as those that are neclected and despised.

Page  [unnumbered]And the holy city they shall tread vnder foote two and for∣tye monethes. &c. The wicked and prophane gentiles shall tread vnder foote, that is shall greiuously oppresse, persecute, and afflict the Church of God, for the full space of two and forty monethes, that is for that time which Christ doeth graunt vnto Antichrist to rage in cruelty against the godly. Some do count the number of monthes, from the first persecutions of ye christi∣ans by the Romane emperoures, euen till the time of the em∣peroure Constantine which graunted peace, vnto the churches. But lette them whiche maintaine that opinion see howe cer∣teyne it is. But to me it semeth more playne that vnder nūbers the certeyne fixed, & determinate time of the persecution of an∣tichrist is assigned, whiche he cannot pas, although he fret sume and rage neuer so much. For the Lorde hathe counted the same time by monethes dayes, & howers. The reason of the numbers semeth to be of this sort, this time which somtime is called two and forty monethes, somtime a thousande two hundreth & sixty daies, sometime a time two times and halfe a time, maketh in all, three yeares and an halfe, that is ye one halfe of a propheticall weeke, which time also is called three daies and an halfe. And this place alludeth to the weekes of yeares in the 9. Chapter of Daniell. Wherevpon we gather to the great consolation of the Church, that a short time is appointed to Antichrist to wast the same, which is also shewed twise afterwarde in the 12. chap. and in the 20. y a shorte space of time is permitted to the deuill that he may sriue with all his force to beat downe the Church, this interpretatiō as most simple and plaine pleaseth me best, those that seke more subtiler may follow there owne iudgement.

Verse. 3.

But I will geue power vnto my two witnesses and they shal prophesy a thousand two hundreth and threscore daies. &c.

AFter that the Lord, in the figure going before of measuring the temple, hath promised that he will buylde vp his church nowe hee sheweth by whose industry and laboure he will per∣forme Page  69 the same verelye with the ministerie of his woorde and by those ministers, whiche he will alwaies raise vp to him selfe for this worke, yea euen in the middest of the stormes of persecutions. He promiseth therefore that he will raise vp to him selfe two witnesses at the least, which the lawe requireth for the confirmation of euerie cause, euen then when as the greatest multitude made droncke with the doting vanitis of Antichrist, would refuse sounde doctrine. They commonly in∣terprete the two witnesses to be Heuoch, and Helias, when as we may rather by those thinges whiche follow in the sixte Verse gather that it is Moses and Helias. But it is ab∣surde and against all reason to restraine to certayne persons those thinges, whiche are spoken of all the Ministers of the worde, which Christ hath promised that he will appoint euen in that perilouse, and daungerouse time, which are called two, not for the certayne number, but for the fewnesse sake. And yet he promiseth that he will furnish these with meete and a∣greable vertues, and giftes of grace, so that by the space of a thousande two hundred and sixtie dayes, they shall valiantlye. and boldlye execute the office and duetie of prophetes, in tea∣ching, reprouing and comforting. That is for the space of 24. moethes, whiles the holy citie is troden downe of the gen∣tiles. He count••h the same time also by dayes, that we might not thinke that the Churche should be depriued and want her teachers, euen the smalest space of time. For although to Anti∣christ and his blinde proctors, and adherentes the doctrine of the Gos••ll semed to be buried, yet the Church had alwaies a the 〈◊〉 witnesses of Christ. Of which although ye names of euery one▪ by reason of the iniurie of ye time, haue not come vnto vs, yet hystories do sufficienly witnesse that there haue alwies 〈◊〉 some, as in England, Wickli••e, in Italy, Mar∣cellius of 〈◊〉, in France the pore people of ionse, in Bo∣mia Ihon Huss, and Hierom of Phrage and in other places diuers others.

Clothed in sckcloth &c. Perswading men by all meanes to repentance from Idolatrie and other workes of darkenes: Page  [unnumbered] moreouer Christ doth take to this so honorable an office of be∣ing his witnesses, not goldē popes, not purple Carbinals nor yet mytred byshops, but base men of the abiect people, clothed in sackclothe whose dignitie is to be estemed not by there ap∣parail, which is very course, but by the office which is cōmit∣ted vnto them.

Vers. 4.

These are 2. olyue trees & 2. candelsticks before the god of ye earth.

BYcause the worlde doth scornefully receyue those, which are sent of the Lord except being adorned wt outward pom∣pe & glorie, they may drawe mens eyes vpon them, therefore Christ sheweth in how great price & estimation they are with him. They are sayeth he 2. olyue trees alwaies fresh florishing & greene, such as Dauid glorieth yt he will be after he hath es∣chewed ye false accusatiō of Doeg, & alwaies dropping down the oyle of holsome doctrine vpon the Church, they are sayeth he, two candelstickes susteyning and holding vp the lighte of the Gospell in this darcke world, of what sort soeuer they se∣me to be earthly men, they are of this sort to God & the Lorde of the earth & the whole world. The ministers of the Churche may here be admonished of what sort they ought to be if they will be alowed of Christ as his witnesses.

Vers. 5.

And if any man will hurte them, fire proceaded oute of their mouthes and deuoureth there enemies: for if any man would hurte them thus must he be killed. &c.

THat the world might not scape vnpunished in despisinge there simplicitie, the lord pronounceth that there worde a∣gainst the reprobate shalbe like fire, which may burne them to ashes, & deliuer them to be burned with infernall flames. For it is the sauour of death vnto death to those yt perish. In vaine therefore doth the pope commit the bodies of the Sain∣ctes to be burned with corporall flames, seeing that he him∣selfe shalbe much more grieuously tormented for euer, with there fiery spirite. This place doth teache with what earnest zeal the godly preachers ought to burne with all against the wicked enemies of the Church of Christ, & not to feare there crueltie, seying they haue in a readinesse the vengeaunce that is to be taken against all vngodlines.

Vers. 6.

These haue power to shut the heauē, yt it raine not in the dayes Page  70 of there prophesiynge, and haue power ouer waters to turne them into bloud, and to smite the earth with all manner of plagues, as oft as they will. &c.

IT is no doubt but that he alludeth to ye history of Elias which fore tolde of the three yeares brought in the daies of Achab. 1 kinges. 17. chap. like as also in the other part of ye vers. to Moses which stroke the land of Egipte wt diuers and sundry plagues, as we may read in ye. chap. of Exod. By which 〈◊〉 he signifieth, yt his witnesses shalbe endewed wt the zeale of Mo∣ses and Elias, whose contempt the lord will reuenge wt moost grieuous punishments, as Egipt felt, as Israell felt, which es∣caped not vnpunished for despising Moses and Elias: and the popish Church daily feleth, the wrath & vengeaunce of God de∣nounced by these witnesses, to fall vpon them armed wt many and sondrye plagues, and at length shall feele vtter destruction. Furthermore, to the great consolation of his Church and esta∣blishinge the authority of his witnesses, Christ compareth thē to the most clear lights of the old Church, that ye congregatiō of ye faithful may beleue, yt Moses & Elias, are as it were returned frō death and come vnto them, for the singuler giftes of mind & spirituall graces of ye holy ghost which God hath bestowed vpō ye same his witnesses. Hereof it is yt we so highly honour ye won∣derfull vertues of Luther & Caluine and others, that we thinke them to be inferiour to none which haue liued since ye Apostels time, God graunt that we may be thankefull for so good giftes and that we may vse them well.

Vers. 7

And when they haue finished there testimonie. &c,

THe deuil can do nothing, Antichrist can do nothing against the witnesses of God, so long as they haue not finished there testimonie, that is not before they shall haue runne the course prefied them of God and shall fulfill the office and duety com∣mitted vnto them. They neede not therefore feare the madnes of ye persecutors, but boldly to geue testimony to christ & his gos∣pell, so lōg as it semeth good to ye Lord, & at length whē they haue discharged there duty to permit thēselues to his wil & pleasure.

The beastes that commeth out of the bottomeles pit shall Page  [unnumbered] make warre against them, and shall ouercome them and kyll them. &c. The cruell and vnreasonable beast Antichrist, which shall come forth of hell to establishe the kingedome of the deuill which is inferiore to them in spirituall battaile, yet their supe∣riore in carnall warre, shall oppresse, ouercome, and slea the ho∣lye Martyres of God.

Verse. 8.

And there▪ corpses shall lye in the streates of the great citye. &c.

ANtichrist puffed vp with so greate a victory, shall triumphe ouer their dead bodies with barbarous cruelty, the streates of the greate city shall be scattered with there slaine members. Euery where through oute the whole dominion of Antichrist, howe wide and large so euer it be, shall be seene, the dead bodies of the sainctes, which thinge how true it is, the history of the for∣mer times and experience of oure owne age, doth sufficiently, teache.

Which spiritually is called Sodom and Egipte where oure Lord also was crucified. &c. He sheweth which is that great ci∣ty, the see of Antichrist, which falsely bosteth her selfe to be the holy city Ierusalem, that is the Church of god, when as yet for there cursed wickednes and filthy abomination it rather deser∣ueth to be called Sodom, and for the persecution and bondage which it laieth vpō ye saincts, to be named Egipt, neither doth it resemble Ierusalem in any thinge, except in cruelty against the godly which as it killed all ye prophets, so likewise it slew christ himselfe the head of ye Church wt a shamefull death. And here he doeth plainely euen as it were poynct at the sea of Rome with the singer, when as hee calleth it the greate citye in which our Lorde was crucified. For Hierusalem of the Iewes, deserued not by any reason to be called the greate city, muche lesse when Iohn receiued this vision, when as it was vtterly raised of the Romaines and made euen with the grounde. But seinge that the holy ghost doeth after warde manifestlye by the great citye interpret Rome, it is certeyn yt the same city is also vnderstode in this place. And it fitly agreeth, that the Romaine tyrannye Page  71 is called the great citie, not onely bycause the citie of Rome is the head of the whole Romayne Empire, but bycause the citie it selfe is increased vnto suche meruailouse greatnesse, that it became a Monarchia, which was not in the other three Mo∣narchies, the beginning whereof were taken of kinges, and not of anye citie. And it is not amisse to saye, that Christ was crucified at Rome, seeing hee was condemned to death of the Romayne presidente as the enemie of Cesar, the Emperour of Rome, hee was deliuered vp and slayne by that kinde of death, which was established by the lawes of the Romanes Ihon Chapter. 19.

Vers. 9.

And they of the people and kindereds and tonges and gentiles shall see there corpses three dayes and an halfe, and shall not suf∣fer there carcaseis to be put in graues. &c.

THere shalbe no nation subiecte to the tyrannye of Rome, whiche shall not see the slaughter of the holy witnesses of Christ, the space of thre daies and an halfe, that is for halfe a weeke. For they shall not long feede there ferce eyes with this cruell sight, but God euen in the middest of ye heat will breake the persecutiō, but yet in tho meane time so long as they haue power, they will persecute the godly with suche hatred, that they will also shew there crueltie ouer the verie dead bodies, and shall not suffer them to be buried, but will shewe them open to all men, as it were signes, and tokens of there vic∣torye.

Vers. 10.

And they that dwell vpon the earth, shall reioyce ouer them, and be glad and shall send giftes, one to an other, for these two Prophetes vexed them that dwelt vpon the earth. &c.

THe wicked inhabitantes of the earthe reioysed with them∣selues and were ioyfull for the destructiō of the prophetes. For those two prophets although they were but few in nūber, yet they grieuously tormēted all the wicked inhabitants of the earth, whiles they thundred ye thretning of gods worde against their vngodlines. The wicked therfore do testify by this ioy, wt how great prickes of conscience they were tormented, whē as there sinnes and offences were reproued, and corrected of the Page  [unnumbered] godly pastors and teachers. For such is the force of gods wor∣de, that it tormenteth euen the contemners of the same, withe due deserued punishments.

Vers. 11.

But after three dayes and an halfe. &c.

THE wicked shall not alwaies triumphe ouer the martirs of Christ which they haue cruelly slayne, but they shall pe∣rish thēselues, sooner thē they suppose. For all power shall be taken frō Antichrist, which he hath ouer ye Saincts, which al∣though his flatterers and peuish adherentes do boast, shalbe eternall, yet Christ measureth it here by the space of three daies and an halfe. Which verelye pertayneth bothe to the beatinge downe the pride of the wicked, when as they heare that there kingdome shall indure, but a few dayes, and also to the com∣forting of the afflicted seruauntes of Christ, and to teache and instructe them to patience, when as they vnderstande that in short space of time the tyranny of Antichrist shalbe taken from among them.

The spirite of life which came from God entered into thē and they stoode vp vpon there feete. &c. According to the maner of the prophetes he vseth the time paste for the time to come, and the meaning is, that we should not thinke that they are vtterly lost and destroyed, which Antichrist by a diuilishe crueltie hath slayne and taken away, they which semed to lye as dead, for the space of three daies and an halfe, at length whē the power of there aduersaries is taken awaye, and God ge∣uing them a new life, and standing vprighte vpon there feete, shall proue and shewe that they were not dead, but that they slept onely for a certeyne time. Whiche thinge shall clearlye be seene in the resurrection of the iust, although this place maye well and fitly be vnderstood of a new raising vp of ministers, which ye Lord will place in yt roomes of those which are crow∣ned with martirdome, but chiefly in the ende of the worlde af∣ter that the man of sinne is reuealed, which we see is come to pas in this oure age.

And great feare came vppon them which sawe them. &c. The wicked muste needes be stryken with an horrible teare Page  72 and terrour, when as they shall see them restored againe to life whome they slew, where vpon they certeynly vnderstand that they warred against God. For when as preciouse and deare in the sight of the Lord is the death of his sainctes. Psalm 116. They can not but be grieuousely tormēted with feare of gods vengeaunce, which they perceyue that they haue prouoked a¦gainst them selues with blinde madnes and rage.

Vers. 12.

And they herde a great voice from heauen saying vnto them come vp hither. &c.

WHiles feare and terrour of eternall damnation, with the greatest horrour of wicked conscience doth occupy & posses there aduersaries, they are called vp to heauenly ioyes, with a swete voice and full of consolation. This rewarde is layed vp for the faithfull martyres of Christ, that out of prison, tor∣mentes, and death it selfe, being raised vp to a blessed life, they shal receyue a crowne of glorie in the kingdome of heauē, with him, whome they haue witnessed in earth. This hope nouri∣sheth there mindes in the greatest tormentes, least they should fainte for any paynes or punishments of the bodie, which fight againste the wicked and haue eternall happines for there re∣warde.

And they ascended vp to heauen in a clowde. &c. Like as Christ our head ascended in a clowde, and we also shalbe ta∣ken vp in the clowdes to meete Christ as the Apostle witnes∣seth, so those two prophetes the witnesses of God are sayeth to ascend vp into heauen.

And there enemies saw thē &c. Like as they shall see Christ which perced him thorough, euen so shall they see his mēbers the holy martyres lifted vp to heauenly ioye, whiche despised, afflicted, and slew them in earthe, when as they them selues being thrust into the dongeon of hell, shall be tormented for e∣uer not onely with there owne euils, but also with the blessed estate of there aduersaries. So the riche Glutton saw Laza∣rus in the bosome of Abraham, whome hee despised as a most vile creature whiles he was liuing, neither cared hee to feede him at the least with the cromes yt fell frō his table. Luke. 16.

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Vers. 13.

And in that hower there was a great earthquake. &c.

WHen as the ripe and full time shall come in whiche God will take vengeance vpon Antichrist and his folowers, mens matters shalbe shaken with a mightie great motion, all thinges shalbe moued, with warres, with treasons, and with seditions, neither shall Antichrist any lenger inioye his king∣dome peacibly which beinge sore troubled with this horrible commotion as it were shaken with an earthquake, shall short∣ly after fall to vtter ruine. We may suppose that this earth∣quake hath happened in our age, for we haue partly before our eyes, & partly we beare in freshe memory, with what motions through the cause of religion, all christendome is shaken. And the other thinges which follow in this verse, are playnly sene in this oure time. And the tenth part of the citie fell. &c. There is no mā which knoweth not, how great a deminishing and decay of it selfe the Church of Rome hathe suffered, from which very many natiōs haue vtterly departed, & forsaken it. And also superstition it selfe hath fayled in the tenth parte a∣monge the papistes, and they them selues are constrayned to leaue and forsake many of there toyes and trifles, and to con∣fesse certayne errours with which in time past they bound ve∣rie straightly the faith of the people.

And in the earthquake there were slayne the names of 7. thousand men. &c. To a great multitude of men, this earth∣quake shall not onely be troublesome, but also mortall, by the violent force whereof seuē thousand men shalbe destroyed: cō∣cerning the numbers, of ten, & seuen, we haue often sayed be∣fore that they are referred to fulnes & perfection. As this num¦ber of 7. thousand comprehendeth all those, whō God hath ap∣pointed & ordeyned to punishment in this grieuouse cōmotiō of the world. For as many as are not humbled with the scor∣ges of God and called to repentaunce, those being hardened in there vngodlinesse shall at length beare the deserued puni∣shments of there heynouse offences.

And the remnants were afraied and gaue glorie to the god of heauen. &c. God hath alwaies his remnantes, which ac∣cording Page  73 to electiō being drawne out of the greatest flames, are preserued and kept to the glorie of his name. The rest thereof being tamed with the rods of God, and taught by the fall and ruine of the other, are instructed to repentaunce, & being stri∣ken with an earnest feare of god forsaking the filthy worship∣ping of Idoles, will apply them selues to yelde vp due glory to the God of heauē. We see very many such in our age, which being werie of the errours of Antichrist, do acknowledge the true religion of Christ, and magnifye the God of heauen with ye other godly worshippers. Here we ought to reuerence the coūsels of god, which are farre aboue ye capacitie of our reason, when as the third part of mē was slaine by the army of ye hor∣semen as we read, in the 9. chap. none repented, but here when the 7. thousand are destroyed, ye rest returne to a better minde.

Vers. 14.

The second wo is past & behold the third wo will come anone.

THe seconde wo of those thre, which were foretolde to per∣tayne to the trumpet of the thre last Aungels, when as the 6. trumpet hath receyued an end, the holye ghost sheweth that the last wo shall shortly come, which is eternall wo, to all the reprobate, which shalbe published by ye trūpet of yt 7. Aungell. Therfore if we se all things fulfilled which pertayne to the 6. trumpet, ye next thing is that we shortly after wait for to heare the sound of the last trumpet in the comming of Christ.

Vers. 15.

And the seuenth Aungell blew the trumpet and there were great voices in heauen. &c.

CHrist affirmed with an othe in the tenth chapter. That the trumpet of the 7. Aungell shold be last, vnder which ye mi∣sterie of God shold be finished, as he hath declared to his ser∣uaunts ye prophetes. Therefore when the sound of this trūpet was herd, Thou sheweth yt the praises of God, & of his Christ were song with meruailouse ioy of the heauenly spirites.

Saying the kingdomes of this world are our Lordes and his Christes. &c. The heauenly spirites be ioyfull with God, now when Antichrist and his patrone the deuill, which exerci∣ced tyrannie in the world, be vanquished, all the kingdomes of the world are become gods and his Christes to whome they properly pertayne▪

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Page  [unnumbered]And he shall raigne for euermore. &c. They do not acknow¦ledge an earthly and transitorie kingdome of God, but an e∣ternall Dominion, which indureth throughout all ages. But it may be demaunded whether God doth not now also raigne & alwaies hath raigned in the whole world? verely the chiefe gouernement hath alwaies bene Gods, and all things are ru∣led at his will and pleasure. But now Sathan, and Antichrist by his permission and sufferance obteyne principalitie ouer the darckenes of this worlde, whose power in the daye of the last iudgement shalbe vtterly abolished. Therefore God shall then raigne with his Christ, when no aduersaries shall molest or trouble the happines of his Churche. And in this song wee may beholde the right holy and godly nature of the heauenlye spirites, that they do not so much reioyce for there owne eter∣nall blessednes, as that they triumphe for the magnifyinge of gods glorie, of which (if we wilbe like vnto them) it becom∣meth vs to be more carefull then of our owne saluatiō. More ouer this place is of force to ouerthrow the errour of the Chi∣iastes, which shut vp the kingdome of Christ in the space of a thousand yeares, when as that voice doth clearly confesse that he shall raigne for euer and euer.

Vers. 16.

Then the 24. elders which sat before God on there seates fell vpon there faces and worshipped God. &c.

THe reuerende companie of the 24. elders, whiche beinge placed in seates before the throne of god doe represente the whole felowship of gods elect, do not omitte there duetie, but falling prostrate before the throne, they humbly worship god with all earnest affection of minde.

Vers. 17.

Saying we geue the thankes o Lord. &c.

THose also do meruailously reioyce, that all the enemies of god being ouerthrowen, hee hathe his sound and perfecte glorie: And thry sing a long of thankesgeuing saying. We giue thee thankes o Lord. Bycause he hath nowe shewed himselfe to be a reuenger of his owne glorie, as though they had recey∣ued some notable and singuler benefite, they agree that praise and thankes are to be ascribed to god. And not withoute iust Page  74 cause, for nothing ought to be so deare to the sonnes of God, which loue him with there whole harte, as the glorie of there heauenly father, yf neclecting all other thinges they woulde diligently seeke, they should both shewe them selues to be in¦deede begotten of God, and also they shoulde the best pro∣uide for there owne health yea eternall blessednesses.

Lord God almightie, which art and which was, and which are to come. &c. We haue spoken at large before in the first and fourth Chap. of these speaches, by which they attribute all Dominion power and eternitie to God.

For thou hast receyued thy great might and hast obteyned thy kingdome. &c. The heauenly spirites do praise God, that now at length when all his enemies are vanquished he hathe receyued the soueraigne rule and gouernement which was al∣waies due vnto him, and also hath happely begunne that most peaceable kingdome against which none of all the aduersaries dare oppose and set them selues. For so long as the deuill and Antichrist exercised tyranny in the world, they semed to raigne alone in ye earth, & they chiefly laboured in this one thing, that the kingdome of Christ might not stande, but after yt god hath now opēly exercised & declared his great power which before lay hid, whē sathā is subdued & yt kingdom of Antichrist aboli∣shed, ye glory of god shall alone excell, & shine ouer all his crea∣tures.

Vers. 18.

And the gentiles were angry. &c.

IN my iudgemēt they allude to the beginning of y 99. psalm. The lord shall raigne although ye people be angrie. That is in spite of all the prophane enemies, thou onely dost obtayne the empire & Dominiō. For the wicked gentiles folowing ye cam∣pe of Sathā haue set thē selues against the kingdome of Christ as much as they could, but Dauid himself foresaw as we read in the 2. Psalm, that all there enterprises should he in vaine.

And thy wrathe is come and the time of the deade, that they should be iudged, & that thou shouldest geue reward to thy seruantes the prophets & to the sainctes, & to them that feare thy name, to smale and to greate. &c. Nether to the wrath of the wicked gentiles, heretiques, Turkes, hypocrites Page  [unnumbered] hath raged againste thee, and the members of thy bodye, and now on the other side the time of thy wrath is come, that thou mayest destroy all thine enemies: For now is that daye come which is terrible to the wicked, in which the dead beinge rai∣sed to life, may feele the seueritie and sharpenesse of thy iudge∣ment: in which also a rewarde not due or deserued, but pro∣mised frely may be geuen to thy seruants. Not onely to those which thou hast raised vp to the gouernement of thy Church, whome thou hast endued with the spirite of prophecie, but al∣so to all the rest of the sainctes, whiche worshippe the in true faith, and reuerence thy name, as well to the small as to the great.

And shouldest destroye them, that destroye the earth. &c.

THey pronounce with one worde that the horrible & mani∣folde wickednesse of the reprobate shalbe punished withe grieuouse tormentes & paynes: and together therewith they shew, how equall and iust it is, that God should for euer de∣stroy those, which studied nothing else, but to destroy ye whole worlde with there wickednes.

Vers. 19.

And the temple of God was open in heauen, and there was scene in his temple the arcke of his couenannt, and there folowed lightninges and voices, and thunderinges, and earth∣quake, and muche hayle. &c.

SOme doe ioyne this verse with the Chapter folowing, that it might be the beginning of the next vision, but it semeth to me to be the cōclusion and shutting vp of this vision. So that Ihon doth teache that after the praises of God were songe of the heauenly companie, the execution of his iudgement, which they so often published abroade, should folowe. Verely when as the temple was open in heauen into which the true wor∣shippers of God were receyued, and the arcke of couenaunt openlye shewed, that is Christ, by whose mediation they shoulde be receyued, for the rest, it shoulde straitwaye lighten. thunder, and hayle from heauen vpon: the reprobate and all the army of Sathan, by which terrours the wicked being dri∣uen to madnes, should be thrust downe to the euerlasting pay∣nes Page  74 of hell. And he doth briefly comprehend in this place the forme and maner of the last iudgemente, which he would af∣terwarde in the ende of this Prophecie, prosecute more at large.