MART. 27. If Caluine translate, Non ego, sed gra∣tia* 1.1 Dei quae mihi aderat: may not meane Graecians controle* 1.2 him, that he also translateth falsely against free will, because the preposition 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 doth require some other participle to be vnder∣stoode, that shoulde signifie a cooperation with free will, to wit, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which laboured with me? See chap. 10. numb. 2.
FVLK. 27. The Greeke is 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 the grace of God which is with me. A meane Graecian will rather vnderstande the verbe substantiue, than the participle, as you doe, and then must needes againe vn∣derstand the verbe 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, hath laboured. For thus the sense must be, if your participle be vnderstood, I haue la∣boured more than they all, yet not I but the grace of God which labored with me hath labored. Who would commit such a vaine tautologie. The sense is therefore plaine, which the Apostles words do yeeld in the iudge∣ment of better Graecians than euer G. Martine was, or will be. I haue not labored more than the rest of the A∣postles, of mine owne strength or will, but the grace of God which is in me, or with me, hath giuen me greater strength & ability to trauel in the Gospell than to them. But you are afraid least it should be thought, that the A∣postle had done nothing, like vnto a block, forced only: a blockish feare, & a forced collection. For when the A∣postle first saith, he hath labored & after denieth & saith, I haue not laboured: what sensible man will not gather, that in the former, he labored as a man indued with life, sense, and reason, and in the later, that he laboured not by his owne strength or vertue, but by the grace of God▪ to which he attributeth all that he is in such respect? By the grace of God I am that I am (saith he) which mani∣festly excludeth naturall free will, to that which is good & appertaining to the glorie of God. For which cause he denieth that he laboured more than the rest, not I but the grace of God▪ which was present with me.